Chinese expression rendered into English

Chinese expression rendered into English

2018-06-04    05'08''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

126 1

1. 戴高帽:dai-gao-mao: give a fake compliment(in order to manipulate);flatter : Don't flatter me. I won't do that. Flattering will get you nowhere. 2. 戴绿帽子:dai-lv-maozi: be cheated on: He could never imagine that he would be cheated on by his wife. 3. 呆若木鸡:dai-ruo-mu-ji: dumbstruck;dumbfounded: The terrible news left him dumbfounded for quite a few seconds. 4. 带罪羔羊:dai-zui-gao-yang:scapegoat: They have made him a scapegoat. 5. 胆大包天:dan-da-bao-tian: have got nerve to: You've got nerve to do something like that. 6. 胆小鬼:dan-xiao-gui: a scaredy-cat: He's a scaredy-cat. He's afraid of getting hurt,so he doesn't like to play with other kids. 7. 当一天和尚敲(撞)一天钟:dan-yitian-heshang-qiao(zhuang)-yitian-zhong: trudge along: I'm tired of my job,but I trudge along anyway. 8. 捣蛋:dao-dan:mess around: Don't mess around. We're trying to get something accomplished here. 9. 捣乱:dao-luan: roughhousing: You kids go outside! No roughhousing indoors!