Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2018-10-24    08'20''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

381 2

1. 贵人guiren:guardian angel: She's my guardian angel, always sticking up for me and ready with advice. 2. 滚瓜烂熟gun-gua-lan-shou: can recite something in one's sleep: He knows this poem so well that he can recite it in his sleep. 3. 过不去guo-bu-qu: be hard on/ make it difficult for: I don't mean to be hard on you when I offer some critique. 4. 锅底朝天guo-di-chao-tian: the cupboards are bare: As we didn't buy anything in the past week, the cupboards are bare. 5. 过河拆桥guo-he-chai-qiao: burn one's bridges: He has done a lot of favors for me, I don't want to burn any bridges. 6. 过奖guo-jiang: over praise/ Oh,how you do go on!: A: This is the best meal I've ever had in my life. B: Oh, how you do go on! 7. 过意不去guo-yi-bu-qu: in one's debt/ can never repay: I can never repay the kindness you have shown me.