Interesting facts about junk food!

Interesting facts about junk food!

2021-07-25    21'34''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

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1. Lower income people eat more junk food than more affluent people. 2. Eating junk food alters the brain activity in a way similar to addictive drugs do, such as cocaine and heroine. 3. The father of pizza is considered to be Rafaele Esposito from Italy. He wanted his pizza to look like the Italian flag, so he topped his pizza with green basil, white mozzarella, and red tomatoes. 4. Eating junk food regularly has the same impact on the liver as hepatitis. French fries, fried chicken and onion rings are particularly harmful. 5. French fries are not from France. They were actually made in Belgium in 1876. The word "French" describes the way the potato is cut before cooking. 6. Castoreum, which is used as vanilla flavoring in candies and baked goods is actually a secretion from the anal glands of beavers. 7. The shiny covering around jelly beans is called shellac, which is derived from the secretions of the female Kerria lacca,an insect native to Thailand. 8. Carmine is a red food coloring that is often found in ice cream, Skittles, Good n' plenty. It is from boiled cochineal bugs. 9."Pound Cake" is so named because the original pound cake contained one pound each of butter, sugar, eggs,and flour. In the days when many people could not read, this simple recipe was easy to remember. 10. The term of "junk food" was initially used in the 1960s but was popularized during the following decade when the song "Junk food junkie" reached the top of the charts in 1976.