

2019-07-06    05'45''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3535 21

难度:一星 【句子】Please, please have a heart. 【Friends-S1E17】 【发音】[pli:z] [pli:z] [hæv] [ə] [hɑ:(r)t] 【发音技巧】have a 连读; 【翻译】拜托,有点同情心好吗? 【适用场合】 heart n. 心脏 1. have a heart (口语) used to ask sb. to be kind or reasonable 有点同情心 eg: Have a heart! I've got nowhere else to stay! 有点同情心好吗?我没其他地方可以去了! eg: Your sister has a headache, so have a heart and turn down the TV. 你姐姐头疼,有点同情心吧,去把电视关掉。 eg: Oh, have a heart! Give me some help! 哎,有点同情心吧,帮帮我好吗? eg: Have a heart! I can't pay you back until next month. 行行好吧,我下个月才有钱还你。 2. 汉语当中的:有一颗金子般的心 没想到英语中也有。 have a heart of gold to be a very kind person eg: Sarah always goes out of her way to help everyone she can—she really has a heart of gold. Sarah经常不辞辛苦去尽力帮助别人,她真是有一颗金子般的心啊。 eg: I know he’s often bad-tempered but really, you know, he’s got a heart of gold. 我知道他经常脾气很臭,但是真的,你要知道,他其实心肠很好。 3. 铁石心肠呢? have a heart of stone to be a person who does not show others sympathy or pity eg: The villain in the play had a heart of stone. He was cruel to everyone. 剧里面那个坏蛋真是铁石心肠,对每个人都很残忍。 eg: Don’t ask her to give any money to the fund — she’s got a heart of stone. 别去找她给基金会捐钱,她就是一个铁石心肠的人。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 If Anne had a heart, she'd volunteer to help us on the charity drive.