

2020-02-07    07'01''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

5193 34

【句子】So we’re still on for tomorrow night? 【Desperate Housewives S1E14】 【发音】[səʊ] [wɪə(r)] [stɪl] [ɒn]/[ɑ:n] [fɔ:(r)] [təˈmɒrəʊ]/[təˈmɑ:rəʊ] [naɪt] 【发音技巧】on 和 tomorrow英美发音区别; 【翻译】咱们俩明晚的约会,还作数吗? 【适用场合】 看到这个标题,很容易想到之前在学习Modern Family的时候,第362期节目当中讲到的:Is the offer still good? 当时你说的还作数吗? > > 点我复习 < < 1. 首先说一下关键句: 这里的on如何理解呢? to do something as planned or according to schedule 按照之前的安排/计划去做某事 eg: Are you still on to pick me up from the airport tomorrow? 你明天还能按照原计划去机场接我吗? 2. I’ve been dying to go there. 我一直超想去的! sb. is dying to do sth. 超级渴望做某事,期待已久 eg: She was dying to see the exhibit. 她超级想去看展览的。 eg: He’s dying to meet you. 他超级想见你的。 3. Take your lumps. lump 本意指的是肿块;包; take your lumps 经常在美式口语中见到 to accept bad things that happen to you without complaining: 接受发生在自己身上的糟糕的事,不抱怨; 或者说to receive criticism or punishment without letting it harm you 接受了别人的批评/惩罚;受到了应有的惩罚;自食其果; eg: We made mistakes but we took our lumps. 我们确实犯错了,但是我们承担了后果。 eg: The company has certainly taken its lumps this year. 这家公司今年确实是得到了教训。 I know that I have to take my lumps as an intern to earn the other employees' trust and move up the corporate ladder. 我知道,作为一名实习生,要想赢得其他员工的信任,我必须得虚心接受别人的批评和建议,在公司里一步一步往上爬。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I hate taking my lumps. I'd rather pretend nothing had happened.