Totoro - 英文版龙猫主题曲

Totoro - 英文版龙猫主题曲

2016-06-20    04'17''

主播: 泡泡屋优效家庭

15557 78

可耐的龙猫来了! 昨天晚上去听一个儿童合唱团的年度汇演。二十几个孩子表演这首歌,一边唱一边跳,真是萌的滴水啊! 舞台下面围了一圈家长录像。从他们的摄像屏幕可以轻松认出来哪一个是他们的孩子:镜头追踪的中心位置。--- 在家长眼中,孩子就是自己的超级明星。 一群追星的大人啊! 所有的孩子都值得家长付出全身心的关注! 今天给大家带来的是龙猫主题曲的英文版然后中文版。大家不妨做个比较。问问孩子:你更喜欢哪个版本?为什么?(帮助孩子寻找细微差别,找到自己的感性区,并且学会用理性来分析。不要觉得学习就是认字算数。感性认识+理性分析:这是一种非常重要而且几乎每天都在应用的能力哦,当然要从小开始训练培养咯。) To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro! Who leaves the seeds, For you to find? Follow them and you will see, a treasure there. Then plant the seeds, and help them grow! It may seem the like a dream, things are not what they seem. Now begins a new adventure for you! And you'll be with To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro! Living in the forest trees, for such a very, very long time! There you'll be with To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro! You only see him when your very young, a magical adventure for you! It's magic for you. Rain tumbles down... the bus is late. Suddenly, a furry wet giant is by your side! Don't be afraid... just open wide! Your umbrella for him, watch him play in the rain! Now begins a new adventure for you! And you'll be with To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro! And on a moonlit night, he plays a magic flute in the sky! There you'll be with To-to-ro, Totoro! To-to-ro, Totoro! You only see him when your very young, a magical adventure for you! It's magic for you.