Vanney Daily English-Vol.14 10 Worst Business Handshakes

Vanney Daily English-Vol.14 10 Worst Business Handshakes

2016-07-23    06'44''

主播: babyvanney1013

105 1

10 Worst Handshakes in Business 【Transcript】 If you&`&re in business, you shake a lot of hands. 如果你是商业人士,那么你握手的次数肯定多到不胜枚举。 So what does your handshake say about you and the people you&`&re doing business with? 而握手在你与你客户间又存在着什么奇妙的关系? Find out as we count down the Top 10 Bad Business Handshakes. 咱们一起来看看,我们整理出的"前十大糟糕握手术"。 Here we go with number 10, &`&The Sweaty Palmer&`&. 第十名: 很高兴"汗"你合作 A potential deal-breaker , you can&`&t escape this nervous, sweaty grip fast enough. 这很可能导致交易失败。你逃不掉这只紧张兮兮、湿漉漉的手了。 Yes, wipe that off. 是的,擦干手吧! Number 9: &`&The Lobster Claw&`&. 第9名: 龙虾"煎螯" When this person shakes your hand , they pinch your hand between their thumb and fingers. 当对方握你的手时,他/她会用拇指和其他指头拧捏你的手, It&`&s as if they&`&re picking up a canapé . 就好像在夹取宴会点心般。 Definitely no good if you&`&re allergic to shellfish. 如果你对贝类海鲜过敏,那绝对不是你的好选择。 At number 8 we&`&ve got &`&The Fist Bump&`&. 第八名: 拳拳相授 Nothing says "I&`&m business savvy " like a fist bump. And &`&Exploding it&`&? 没有甚么比拳头握手术,更能表明"我是商界A咖"了;独拳拳不如众拳拳? Well, that&`&s just not suitable at all, ever. 嗯,恐怕不是个明智的选择。 Number 7: &`&The Wrestler&`&. 第7名: 握手,斩手,傻傻分不清楚 He flips his hand on top of yours to assert his dominance. Rumour has it this is the guy who put the "I" in team. 他/她瞬间凌驾在你的手之上。这种人在团队里眼里只有"他自己"。 At number 6 it&`&s &`&The Phantom&`&. Wow, that was quick. 第6名: 佛山无影手 Let&`&s slow it down to see what happened there. . . Uh huh clearly she&`&s got more important places to be and more important people to see. 咱们来个慢动作,看看发生了什么事,显然,她还有更重要的地方要前往,有更重要的与会人士。 &`&The Lingerer&`& drops in at number 5. 托泥带手来到了第5名。 There&`&s shaking hands and then there&`&s holding hands. 我握,我握,我握握握。 Obviously, the Lingerer has no idea which is which. 这只拖泥手显然搞不清楚状况。 Awwwkward. 真监介。 Number 4: &`&The &`&Decliner&`&. 第四名: 拒绝往来户 Decliners are fastidious folk. 这位人士总吹毛求疵。 They won&`&t touch a doorknob without sanitising it, let alone shake hands. 未杀菌的门把不碰,更别提握手啰。 Number 3: &`&The Tickler&`&. 第三名:一指神抠 Everything appears normal enough, and then something feels a bit odd. . . it&`&s their middle finger stroking the palm of your hand. 起先一切没有任何不对劲,好戏正在后头,她的中指在你掌上抠来抠去。 In second place, it&`&s &`&The Vice&`&. 第二名: 油压剪 Once you escape the crushing grip of the Vice, you can&`&t help but feel sorry for him. 一旦抽离了油压剪似的那只手你就不禁深感抱歉。 He must feel terribly inadequate to shake hands like that. 他一定是觉得己不如人,才这样握的。 And here it is. . . the worst of the worst, the bottom of the barrel, the handshake only a mother could love.&`&The Dead Fish&`&. 终于来到,糟糕中的透顶,歹酒陈瓮底,少奶杀手握手术,死鱼一条。 If handshakes say something about you, this one has to say, "You&`&re a limp-wristed pushover who&`&s easily battered into submission". 如果握手透露你的为人,那么这代表"你这个弱者,直接喊投降"。 ref. 每日英语听力