FU English Episode 10

FU English Episode 10

2016-12-08    09'47''

主播: FU的Paul&Emma

259 13

欢迎大家添加我们的Wechat公众帐号:FU English 获取更多的图文视频信息。 FU English Episode 10 Jack & Mei Mei This is the story of Mei Mei, a Chinese girl, and Jack, a laowai. This is a story of love, passion and misunderstanding. This is their Chinglish story. One day Jack and Mei Mei went on a field trip. Mei Mei noticed that Jack was moving too much on the bus. 一天杰克和美美在去野外旅行的公交车上,美美发现杰克一直在动。 Mei Mei: Jack! Are u ok? Jack: MMM… Maybe Mei Mei: Is there any problem? Jack: MMM... Maybe… No. I don’t want to tell you. Mei Mei: Why are you moving so much? Jack: MMM… No reason. Mei Mei: You need to go to the toilet. Jack: MMM… Maybe. Mei Mei: HaHaHa The is no toilet on the bus. HaHaHa You need paper urine trousers. Jack: What? Mei Mei: Paper urine trousers. Chinglish: Paper urine trousers. (错误表达) Correct: Diapers 纸尿裤 Eg. You have to change the baby’s diapers. 你必须换一下婴儿的纸尿裤。 Will Jack make it to the toilet stop? Will he wet himself? Or will someone give him diapers? Find out in the next episode of their Chinglish story. Idioms 4 Idiots Idiom: Bucket list 遗愿清单 Meaning: A list of things to do before you die.在有生之年要完成的事情。 Eg: What’s on you bucket list? 你在有生之年要完成什么心愿? I want to be rich before I die. 我要在死之前变得有钱。 Paul. What’s on your bucket list? Paul ,你在有生之年要完成什么心愿? Before I die I want many Chinese girls to kiss me. 在我死之前,我要让很多中国女孩亲吻我。 Weird news. Parrot outs cheating husband by repeating flirty chats to wife. 妻子发现丈夫出轨因为他们的鹦鹉一直重复丈夫对小三说的暧昧的话。 The bird began repeating flirty conversations between the man and his lover in front of the man’s wife. As adultery is illegal in Kuwait, the wife went to the police station – with the parrot – to report the love affair. Luckily for the man the bird could not be used as evidence. Vocabulary Adultery: to cheat on your husband or wife. 通奸;婚内出轨;有外遇 Eg: Adultery is illegal in Kuwait. 婚内出轨在科威特是违法行为。 Flirty: To suggest a playful sexual attraction. 暧昧的;调情的 Eg: The parrot repeated flirty conversations. 鹦鹉重复那段暧昧的谈话。