FU English Episode 9

FU English Episode 9

2016-11-21    08'24''

主播: FU的Paul&Emma

218 11

欢迎大家添加我们的微信公众帐号:fuenglish 获取更多的图文信息! Idioms 4 Idiots Idiom: I'm all ears 洗耳恭听 Meaning: I'm listening. You have my attention (so you should talk now) Eg: You wanted to talk to me. I'm all ears. 你要和我谈话,我洗耳恭听。 Tell me your problems. I'm all ears. 告诉我你的问题,我洗耳恭听。 Phrasal verbs Show off 炫耀 Meaning: to do something to attract attention to yourself Eg. Today Super computer is showing off his new screen. 今天 Super computer 在炫耀它的新屏幕。 I'm going to show off my new car. 我要炫耀一下我的新车。