scene 20讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

scene 20讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

2019-09-03    08'01''

主播: Miss美语发音

190 1

脱离字幕看美剧,发音表达一网打尽 Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily K-kids C-Carlos 1. the lines ... B: Could have licked the Liberty Bell. T: We&`&re going to the airport. B: Bong, bong, b.. T: Why do I hang out with you? Why? All I wanted was to have a regular beer, at my regular bar. With my regular friends, in my regular city. B: Ted,Ted,Ted. You&`&re not even looking. T: No, I&`&m not. B: Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, okay? Not for the sit around and wait of happiness. Now, if you want, you could go to the same bar, drink the same beer, talk to the same people every day, or you can lick the Liberty Bell. You can grab life by the crack, and lick the crap out of it. The cab driver: That was beautiful, man! B: Thanks, Leonard. Ted, you&`&re missing out on a valuable life lesson here. T: Look, I don&`&t need you to teach me how to live, okay? I know how to live. If you wanna go lick the Liberty Bell, just go lick it yourself. B: No, it has to be the two of us. T: Why? Wh-why do you need me? B: Because you&`&re my best friend, all right? You don&`&t have to tell me I&`&m yours. But, the...the way I see it, we&`&re a team. Without you, I... I&`&m just a dynamic uno. So,fine, if you wanna go home, then we&`&ll go home. T: Fine, we&`&ll go lick the Liberty Bell. B: Good. &`&Cause we&`&re here. ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... B: Could have licked the Liberty Bell. T: We&`&re going to the airport. B: Bong, bong, b.. T: Why do I hang out with you? Why? All I wanted was to have a regular beer, at my regular bar. With my regular friends, in my regular city. B: Ted,Ted,Ted. You&`&re not even looking. T: No, I&`&m not. B: Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, okay? Not for the sit around and wait of happiness. Now, if you want, you could go to the same bar, drink the same beer, talk to the same people every day, or you can lick the Liberty Bell. You can grab life by the crack, and lick the crap out of it. The cab driver: That was beautiful, man! B: Thanks, Leonard. Ted, you&`&re missing out on a valuable life lesson here. T: Look, I don&`&t need you to teach me how to live, okay? I know how to live. If you wanna go lick the Liberty Bell, just go lick it yourself. B: No, it has to be the two of us. T: Why? Wh-why do you need me? B: Because you&`&re my best friend, all right? You don&`&t have to tell me I&`&m yours. But, the...the way I see it, we&`&re a team. Without you, I... I&`&m just a dynamic uno. So,fine, if you wanna go home, then we&`&ll go home. T: Fine, we&`&ll go lick the Liberty Bell. B: Good. &`&Cause we&`&re here. ... 3. pronunciation tips ... B: Could have licked the Liberty Bell. T: We&`&re going to the airport. B: Bong, bong, b.. T: Why do I hang out with you? Why? All I wanted was to have a regular beer, at my regular bar. With my regular friends, in my regular city. B: Ted,Ted,Ted. You&`&re not even looking. T: No, I&`&m not. B: Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, okay? Not for the sit around and wait of happiness. Now, if you want, you could go to the same bar, drink the same beer, talk to the same people every day, or you can lick the Liberty Bell. You can grab life by the crack, and lick the crap out of it. The cab driver: That was beautiful, man! B: Thanks, Leonard. Ted, you&`&re missing out on a valuable life lesson here. T: Look, I don&`&t need you to teach me how to live, okay? I know how to live. If you wanna go lick the Liberty Bell, just go lick it yourself. B: No, it has to be the two of us. T: Why? Wh-why do you need me? B: Because you&`&re my best friend, all right? You don&`&t have to me I&`&m yours. But, the...the way I see it, we&`&re a team. Without you, I... I&`&m just a dynamic uno. So,fine, if you wanna go home, then we&`&ll go home. T: Fine, we&`&ll go lick the Liberty Bell. B: Good. &`&Cause we&`&re here. ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文 同系列近3篇: Scene 19 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 18 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 17 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语