scene 21讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

scene 21讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

2019-09-03    03'54''

主播: Miss美语发音

183 0

Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily K-kids C-Carlos 1. the lines ... T: I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing but we got out. Dana let us in and by God we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like? A woman: What? T: Freedom. No, it actually tastes like pennies. The woman: Oh, my God, did you guys really do that. T: We really did. And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go. But I always got a great story. K1: So that girl you were talking to, that was mom? T: Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting. And we... K2: So, that's a no? T: Yeah, that's a no. What? Come on! ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... T: I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing but we got out. Dana let us in and by God we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like? A woman: What? T: Freedom. No, it actually tastes like pennies. The woman: Oh, my God, did you guys really do that. T: We really did. And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go. But I always got a great story. K1: So that girl you were talking to, that was mom? T: Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting. And we... K2: So, that's a no? T: Yeah, that's a no. What? Come on! ... 3. pronunciation tips ... T: I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing but we got out. Dana let us in and by God we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like? A woman: What? T: Freedom. No, it actually tastes like pennies. The woman: Oh, my God, did you guys really do that. T: We really did. And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go. But I always got a great story. K1: So that girl you were talking to, that was mom? T: Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting. And we... K2: So, that's a no? T: Yeah, that's a no. What? Come on! ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文 同系列近3篇: Scene 20 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 19 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 18 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语