

2016-11-18    06'11''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

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*CEC Daily English Broadcast*大学生攻克英语俱乐部联盟-“高校穹鹰荟”-每日英语播客】11/17,Day38: Jackie Chan             Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan /is set to be given /an honorary Oscar /by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences(AMPAS) /for his “exceptional contributions” in cinema, according to a report .       Chan, is arguably the most recognizable face of /Hong Kong action cinema/ both at home /and globally.       The 62-year-old /starred in dozens of /martial arts films /in Hong Kong and China, before making the transition /to starring in English-language films /in the 1990s.       He will be presented /with the Oscar /at the Governors Awards ceremony /in November, where editor Anne Coates, casting director Lynn Stalmaster /and documentary maker, Frederick Wiseman /will also be honored.      Chan’s most beloved works helped create a style of filmmaking, mixing martial arts stunts /and slapstick comedy, for which he is renowned today.      Hits /such as 1978's The Drunken Master/ and the Police Story series /launched his career at home, while police action comedies/ including Rumble in the Bronx /and the Rush Hour trilogy made him an international star.      Chan himself is in Taipei as part of the filming for his latest effort /called “Bleeding Steel,” which is a science fiction film. In it, Chan plays a special force agent who has to protect a woman from a criminal organization.   参考译文:成龙         据报道,由于成龙在电影上的 “杰出贡献”,这位香港功夫影星被美国电影艺术与科学学院理事会授予奥斯卡终身成就奖。         毫无疑问,成龙是国内外最受欢迎的香港动作电影明星。         这位62岁的巨星,在香港和内地主演了许多部功夫片,直到上个世纪90年代,他开始涉足英文电影。         他将在今年11月的奥斯卡颁奖礼上被授予此奖项。同他一同获奖的还有资深电影剪辑师安妮·科茨、资深选角指导林·斯塔马斯特以及老牌纪录片制作人弗雷德里克·怀斯曼。         成龙那深受观众喜爱的、混合着武术绝技和搞笑喜剧的作品,帮助创造了一种电影创作的风格,同时也成就了他的今天。         1978年他主演的《醉拳》和《警察故事》系列,开启了他在国内的职业生涯,而警察动作喜剧片《红番区》和《尖峰时刻》则助他登上了国际舞台。         成龙本人现在正在台北拍摄其最新科幻电影《机器之血》。在该电影中,成龙饰演一位特工,其任务是保护一个犯罪组织中的一位女性。 我正在跟小皮老师         坚持每天练口语                 选择爱尚 天天向上  口译口语 无与伦比 攻克英语俱乐部---大学生攻克英语口语和人生成功梦工厂!   一起关注微信公众号:国际口译口语,每日接收英语学习新鲜正能量! 并转发给更多一起学习英语的小伙伴哦!   感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~