Go It Alone

Go It Alone

2016-05-30    04'08''

主播: 阿杞杞

67 1

beck - go it alone,独自前行, i'm coming over,我将从远处而来, see me down at the station,见到我从车站, by the lane,走到巷口, with my hands in my pocket,双手插在口袋里, jingling a wish coin,那叮当作响的许愿硬币, that i stole from a fountain,我把它从喷泉里偷来, that was drownin',当它即将被淹死时, all the cares in the world,而来自世上所有的关心, when i get older,是当我变老的时候, climbing up on the back porch fence,我爬上了走廊后边的篱笆, just to see the dogs runnin',只是看着那些在奔跑的狗, with a ring and a question,它们带着项圈并有些疑惑, and my shivering voice is singing,而我只是用我颤抖的声音在唱歌, through a crack in the window,歌声透过了玻璃窗的一条裂缝, na na na na na, i better go it alone,na na na na,我还是独自前行吧, na na na na na, i better go it alone,na na na na,我还是独自前行吧,na na na na na…… Beck的单曲《Go It Alone》
上一期: Girl singing in the wreckage
下一期: Lips