

2020-06-08    10'09''

主播: 一席英语

8751 57

主播:翩翩( 中国) + 卫普(澳大利亚) 由于pandemic(疫情)的影响,一大批回国的外国人出不了国门,也来不了中国。 卫普就是其中之一。 今天,就来聊一聊: What do foreigners miss most about China. 回不来的外国人,最想念中国的… 1. Food 好想念中国饭! I miss South Chinese food immensely. 非常想念中国的“南方饭”。 The food in China is so good I rarely missed my mother’s cooking .中国饭好吃到,很少想念妈妈烧的饭。 I really miss hotpot and Chongqing noodles. 最想火锅和重庆小面 atmosphere: 气氛 When you go to hotpot, it’s not just dinner, it’s an event. 火锅不只是晚饭,更是社交活动。 澳洲人卫普还记得来中国后,第一次吃火锅的反应: It really angered me. 我很生气,因为: We had to pay money and then cook our own food. 自己cook, 还要交钱? 2. Shandong People 好想念山东人! I’ve travelled to a lot of big cities in China. 在中国,去过很多大城市。 I have never felt more welcome than when I am in Shandong. 但从没有像在山东那样,感觉宾至如归。 Shandong People are the most welcoming. 山东人是最好客的! It’s not an advertisement. 不是广告。 It’s real. 是真的 3. Convenience 好想念,中国的便捷! Many Chinese people take it for granted. 很多中国人觉得“理所当然” From Didi to JD to Meituan , everything in China is incredibly convenient. 中国一切都极为便捷 买部手机, it came on the same day in the afternoon 当天下午就到了 在澳洲, post usually takes a 5-7 working days 通常(至少)5-7个工作日。 Shopping online is a much better experience. 在中国,网购的体验实在好太多! 4. Opportunity 好想念,中国遍地都是的机会! There is so much opportunity in China. 在中国,有太多机会! * 每次离职(left a job)后,the next day if I applied for another job I would always get it. 第二天,申请新的工作,总是能够成功得到。 *在中国,想做什么,总能找到小伙伴,join you 或者help you. 比如: English corner , chess club(国际象棋俱乐部), vegetarian club(素食者俱乐部) 会线上交流,线下见面。 在中国,A doors closes , a new one will open. 一扇门关了,就会有另一扇打开。 其他国家,可能情况不太一样, many people are out of a job 大批人失业 VIP’s work is struggling. 卫普所在的公司也在艰难挣扎。 There isn’t as much diversity. 没有中国的那么多的“工作机会的多样性” 5. My Teaching Job 好想念在中国当老师! I really miss working as a Teacher in China. Even though I only taught on Fridays and Saturdays, 尽管,卫普只在周五周六在一席教课。 It was one of the most fulfilling jobs I’ve ever had. 但是,这真的是幸福感最强的工作。 在中国做外教: I had terrible teaching jobs. 在中国,也做过很奇葩的教学工作 If the vibe is right, I will give my heart to the school. 跟学校气场对了的话,会把心掏出来。 * Chinese children really enjoy learning. 中国孩子都特别爱学习。 一席中外方老师们的心声: Teachers have the most important jobs in the world. 教师是世上最重要的工作之一。 They have the ability to make an impression on our future generation.老师们有能力去给未来一代留下印象。 It’s really important that our kids are in good hands. 要确保孩子们,能够被精心照料好。 盼望国际疫情好转,飞往中国的国际航班早日开通,卫普能够回到朝思暮想的中国,回到被孩子们热爱的岗位,与一席小伙伴们一起值日(rostered to cook),做三明治给大家吃! 今天的节目,为大家准备了逐字稿,请在公众号对话框发送“想念中国”,就能拿到啦!