旅行日记2: Estranged Roaming Toddlers 双语 附生词表和文稿

旅行日记2: Estranged Roaming Toddlers 双语 附生词表和文稿

2016-10-30    14'06''

主播: 海威英语101

268 15

厌倦了出行时的人潮汹涌 受够了春节时姑姨的逼婚 挑十月下旬悄悄地回家探个亲 真是聪明伶俐之举 只是 发展之西北风终于吹到了家乡 小镇也赶时髦整了个容 学网红们变得亲妈不认了 visit my family in late October: 1.weather is relatively warm, not tourist season, after 10.1, before Spring Festival, transportation not as annoying 2.airfares飞机票价are low, less than half the prices 3.sister and children are home things that impressed me, mostly in a bad way: 1.the scale规模of development: 30-story high rises高楼大厦are everywhere, hills are cut, brides removed, so defaced/deformed毁容的that it’s barely几乎不recognizable 2.the dominant presence of grandparents and infants/toddlers, pregnant women; absence of young adults. a retirement town, children raised by grandparents a standard practice, a cultural custom文化习俗now! 3.the lack of sports facilities and recreational options休闲娱乐选择. wet market菜市场, square dance, walking children along streets, restaurants, no park 4.Sichuan Intel. road trip (self-driving tours) equipment fair博览会was held in my hometown. advertising banners条幅along highway, a whole new complex built for its sake, concerts for 3 consecutive nights 连续三晚made by middle school students, people coming from remote villages to have a peek at 瞄一眼this grand event盛事 Things I was proud of doing during the trip: 1. had a great time with nephew & niece, nephew and I fell into intimacy亲密 instantly, enjoyed each other’s company喜欢与彼此为伴, prefer me to his mother, carrying a child in arms is physically demanding耗体力的, arms went sore酸痛的, 2. finished a book by Alain de Botton: The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work; very enjoyable, Alain’s writing is full of light humor and profound philosophical insight深邃的哲学见解, he chose 10 professions职业 & personally participated in some of the employees’ daily life, to observe观察and ponder思考 how various work is done, why work plays such a vital or insignificant渺小的role in our lives, how much work is appreciated欣赏, by the end of the visit, I was half way through完成了一半Jane Jacobs’ The Nature of Economies; ecological生态的and economic rules and principles explained in the fashion of 以....的方式conversations among five friends Things I regret having done 1. didn’t find time to visit my maternal grandmother 外婆 2. had arguments with my parents due to our enormously different life values