《梅花三弄》 Mei Hua San Nong

《梅花三弄》 Mei Hua San Nong

2020-01-03    03'01''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

71 2

清越的泛音曲调直接把我们带入梅花在风雪中摇曳的意境里,加那利五弦吉他空灵的音色极富美感恰似凌霜傲雪的梅花。这首清幽的古乐在更偏古琴的古典吉他全泛音演奏手法下节奏更为明快,弗拉门戈旋律和繁复的律动则让它变得更加轻盈跳跃,也赋予了新曲调更加旺盛的“生命力”, 一朵朵、一瓣瓣晶莹剔透的梅花在风雪中翻飞起舞。最终,循环的泛音曲调在第三次变奏中完成了“三弄”。 Slivery overtones brings us directly into the mood of plum blossom swaying in the snow. The ethereal tone of timple is as beautiful as the plum blossom of ling frost and ao snow. This quiet ancient music moves more brightly under the full overtone technique of the classical guitar as same as Guqin. Flamengo's melodies and complex rhythms make it more light and bouncy, giving the new tunes more "life", it is like a flower, a petal crystal clear plum in the wind and snow fluttering dance. Finally, the circular overtone melody completes the "three steps" in the third variation. 编曲:安东尼奥·托莱多、赫尔曼·洛佩兹、周侠 Arranger: Antonio Toledo, Germán López, Zhou Xia 古典吉他:陈曦 Classical Guitar: Chen Xi 加那利五弦琴:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Timple: Germán López 西班牙吉他/小打/贝斯:安东尼奥·托莱多 Spanish Guitar / Percussion / Bass: Antonio Toledo 录音棚:新乐府CMH Studio Recording Studio: CMH Studio 版权提供:十三月文化 Copyright: 13-Month C&C