《舞会(渔舟唱晚组曲二)》 Yu Zhou Chang Wan Series Ⅱ

《舞会(渔舟唱晚组曲二)》 Yu Zhou Chang Wan Series Ⅱ

2020-01-03    02'22''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

77 1

华灯初上,弦声切切,炊烟袅袅,曲调流转,奔放的手鼓开启舞会的大幕,人们在欢快的弗拉门戈节奏中摇摆,岸边迷离的火光中,人们哼唱着一天收获的喜悦。 In the graceful flowing melody, gorgeous lights gradually increase, smoke from kitchen chimneys rises. The wild tambourine began the dancing party. The merry people swang in the flamengo rhythm. In the blurred light on the shore, people hum the joy of a day's harvest. 改编:周侠 Adaptor : Zhou Xia 编曲:安东尼奥·托莱多、赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Arranger: Antonio Toledo, Germán López 古典吉他:陈曦 Classical Guitar: Chen Xi 加那利五弦琴:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Timple: Germán López 西班牙吉他/小打:安东尼奥·托莱多 Spanish Guitar / Percussion: Antonio Toledo 人声:赫尔曼·洛佩兹、安东尼奥·托莱多 Vocal: Germán López,Antonio Toledo 录音棚:新乐府CMH Studio Recording Studio: CMH Studio 版权提供:十三月文化 Copyright: 13-Month C&C