Chapter 4 Death train

Chapter 4 Death train

2020-01-19    03'36''

主播: 心妞妞

468 2

梦境英语 初中英语语境词汇第四章 台词: It all happened so quickly. In fact, I had zero chance of showing my feelings. I might disagree with Frosty's decision to leave the train because I really wanted to take this trip. However, in most times, I do trust Frosty's thoughts. She is special and clever. All in all, I get a bit sad now. The conductor is not here any more. Frosty and I walk out of the station. She looks at me and says, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I really had a bad feeling after I got on the train. We will go to the park another time." She pauses for a moment and then says, "I have a suggestion. We can eat our lunch in Southern Square." I know Frosty is trying to cheer me up, but it is not a bad idea. The square is famous for its shopping mall and restaurants. We never went there before. Frosty and I take a taxi. We pass through several different neighborhoods and arrive at the square. The mall buildings have a wonderful style with high towers. Many restaurants circle around the mall. "The Indian restaurant is popular. Although I like Indian food, especially the seafood porridge, the restaurant is too crowded. Many customers are also waiting in a queue," I say, pointing to a restaurant in front. "Yeah, and I don't like to stand in line waiting either," says Frosty. "How about that Berger House or the Italian restaurant? We can get some free salad," Frosty asks. "No, I don't like the taste of pizza or spaghetti. I would like to choose an Asian restaurant," I reply. On the left side, we see a restaurant called Tokyo Cafe and walk inside. As a custom, a waiter bows and greets us. Frosty and I follow him and sit down at the dining room table. We look at the menu and decide to order pork dumplings and one large bowl of mutton noodle soup with tofu and lettuce. We both like the gravy soup and will share it. The waiter pours us two glasses of ice water, put some napkins on the table and takes our order. He is very polite. Inside the restaurant there is a 50-inch big screen television hung on the wall. A sports channel is showing a baseball game between two national teams. Both teams are having the same score. Suddenly the sports programme is being paused and some big news is being reported. The glass in Frosty's hand is shaking, water spilling onto the table. The train just ran into another train at high speed. It was a death train…