Chapter 9 A hidden secret

Chapter 9 A hidden secret

2020-03-27    03'59''

主播: 心妞妞

453 4

中英文台词: “Can I borrow your glue?” asked Frosty, “The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I'm making some artwork to celebrate our traditional holiday.” “我可以借用一下你的胶水吗?” 霜妹问道,“马上就是中秋节了,我做了些艺术图片庆祝传统节日。” My room was a mess. It took me a while to find the glue under my quilt. 我的房间乱糟糟的,我花了好长时间才从被子底下翻出了胶水。 “You should clean up the room and make it tidy. Has Mum encouraged you to do some housework?” Frosty smiled at me. Then she saw my computer screen. “你应该打扫打扫房间,把屋子收拾整齐。妈妈不是鼓励你做些家务吗?” 霜妹笑着对我说道。然后,她看到了我的电脑屏幕。 “Are you playing all day? Did our headmaster warn the pupils not to play video games too much? You know, Mum won't allow that either,” said Frosty. “你整天都在打游戏吗?校长不是警告过,不让学生玩太多电子游戏吗?而且妈妈也不允许。”霜妹说道 “No, I'm just taking a break. I will do my best, but video games are so interesting. I can't keep myself away from them. For example, in video games, I can walk in space like an astronaut. I can ride on a sea dragon or a whale like a surfer. I can also be a World War II pilot fighting under the night sky of London, ” I said. “没,我只是刚休息一会儿。我会尽力克制的,但游戏真是太有趣了,我实在无法全身而退。比如,玩游戏时,我可以像宇航员一样走进太空,可以像冲浪员那样骑着海龙、鲸鱼,还可以像二战时期的飞行员一样在伦敦的夜空下战斗。” 我说。 “It doesn't sound bad, but what about some bad games?” asked Frosty. “听上去还不错,但那些不良游戏呢?”霜妹问道。 “I have seen a video game that is about a haunted treasure island. Looking for gold, an army captain fights ghosts inside ancient tombs. The game has a lot of bad scenes and gun shootings, ” Frosty said. “我看过一款游戏,围绕一座闹鬼的金银岛展开。一个军队上尉为了找寻黄金,在古墓里和鬼怪作战。那游戏有很多邪恶场景和枪击暴力。” 霜妹说道。 “Yeah, I know that game. It is a bad game and I have deleted it from my computer, ” I said. “Here is one of my favourite games, ” I pointed at my computer. “嗯,我知道那款游戏。是不太好,我已经从电脑里删除了。” 我说,“看,这是我最喜欢的一款游戏。” 我指着电脑。 “It's called 'the Second Emperor'. The game has hundreds of millions of players from all over the world, which already sets a world record. Large numbers of people can take part in the game online at the same time. ” “叫二代君王。这游戏风靡全球,有上亿玩家,已经创下了世界纪录。它可以容纳大量玩家同时在线。” “I'm a low-level player, but my game skills are getting better. If I can reach high rank one day, I may win prizes. Want to have a try?” I asked, making room for her. “我还是低级玩家,但我的技巧也越来越娴熟。如果哪天我能成为高级玩家,就可能获奖哩。你想不想试一试?” 我边问霜妹边给她腾地方。 “All right, ” said Frosty. She sat down beside me in front of my computer and joined in the game. “好吧。” 霜妹说道。她和我并肩坐在电脑前,加入了游戏。 There were probably thousands of online players at that moment. While being inside the game, Frosty felt that the game had a hidden brain, which was trying to control her mind. Then Frosty's heart was beating fast because she just heard the game's thoughts, sounding like an adult. 那时在线玩家数量可能达到数千人。游戏过程中,霜妹感觉这款游戏有个隐形大脑,正试图控制她的思想。她刚刚偶然探听到游戏大脑的心思,听着像是个成年人,霜妹的心脏不由得剧烈跳动起来。 The thoughts disturbed Frosty. She thought about its meanings over and over again. It seemed that the Second Emperor was not simply a game. It was doing something that might have a terrible result: the game wanted to control humans! 游戏大脑的心思使得霜妹心烦意乱,她一遍又一遍地思索着这意味着什么?“二代君王”似乎并不仅仅是款游戏,它别有企图,可能会酿成可怕的后果:该游戏想要控制人类! There was a sudden silence between the game's brain and Frosty. Frosty couldn't hear the game's thoughts any more. The brain also realized that its secret had been exposed to the girl by accident. The girl might get in the way of reaching its final goal. The game brain wanted to find the girl and kill her. 游戏大脑和霜妹之间突然变得悄然无声,霜妹再也无法探听到游戏的想法。游戏大脑也意识到,自己无意中将秘密泄露给了霜妹,这女孩可能会阻碍自己实现终极目标。所以,游戏大脑想要找到她,杀了她。 On that morning about a month ago, Frosty found the secret… 一个月前的那个早晨,霜妹发现了游戏的这个秘密……