Chapter10 Give us a lift

Chapter10 Give us a lift

2020-04-13    03'03''

主播: 心妞妞

472 2

中英文台词: "What? I'm not talking to anyone," I reply to Frosty. I'm surprised that Frosty heard my thoughts. In fact, someone called Mr. Gamer was getting inside my mind for the first time, but I don't know why I keep it to myself. “什么?我没和谁在说话呀。”我回答道。霜妹听到了我的心声,令我很是惊讶。其实,刚刚有一个叫“玩家先生”的人闯入了我的大脑,这是第一次发生这样的事情,但不知为何,我没有告诉霜妹。 Following the North Star, Frosty and I cross the big field and see a red barn below a little hill. It's already midnight. We are running out of energy and can't carry on walking. We fall asleep in the barn. 在北极星的指引下,我们穿过旷野,看到一座小山,山脚下有个红色牲口棚。现在已是午夜,我们精疲力竭,没有力气再继续前行,便在棚里睡着了 The next morning the sheep start bleating. It wakes us up. We come outside and find ourselves in the countryside, which has a small population. Farmers here grow crops of beans, peppers and other vegetables. We see grape trees and a large cotton field. White smoke rises from the chimney of a small house. In front of it, a hen is making a noise after laying an egg. An ordinary village woman is feeding chickens. Two lovely kids are playing the Rock-Paper-Scissors game. 第二天一早,羊咩咩的叫着,把我们唤醒了。我们走出棚外,发现自己身处一个人丁稀少的乡村。这儿的农民种植豆子,辣椒和其他蔬菜。放眼望去,可见一棵棵葡萄树和一大片棉花地。一缕缕白烟从一个小屋的烟囱冉冉升起;屋前母鸡下蛋后发出咯咯咯的叫声。一位普通农妇正在喂小鸡,两个可爱的孩子正在玩石头剪刀布的游戏。 "Excuse me, Madam. We are getting lost. Will you give us a hand?" Frosty says to the woman when we get to the front of her house. “夫人,打扰一下您。我们迷了路,您可以帮帮我们吗?”我们走到屋前,霜妹对农妇说道。 "Where are you going?" asks the woman. “你们是要去哪里呀?”农妇问道。 "Town of AL. We crossed a big field last night and then we're here," I say. “去AL镇。昨晚我们穿过了一大片野地,然后便到了这儿。”我说。 "Poor kids, you've been walking far in the opposite direction. Town of AL is on the other side of the field. However, my husband is going to the Farmers Market after he repairs his tractor. He can give you a lift. It's in the same direction,"she says. “可怜的孩子,你们方向走反了,走远了,AL镇在野地另一头。等我丈夫修完拖拉机,他就要去农贸市场,可以捎你们一程,刚好顺路。”她说。 It's a secondhand tractor in yellow paint. Having a worn-out glove, the farmer mends its broken steering wheel. We then help load pumpkins and baskets of carrots and melons into the tractor. There hasn't been a flood or a drought this year. Farmers are having a great pumpkin harvest. Some big pumpkins weigh close to 30 pounds. To prepare for the ride, we tie the food baskets together with ropes. 这是一辆喷了黄漆的二手拖拉机。农夫带着一副破旧手套,正在修理出了故障的方向盘。我们帮忙将南瓜、一篮篮胡萝卜和香瓜搬上拖拉机。今年没有洪涝,也没有干旱,农民们的南瓜大丰收,一些个头大的南瓜重达30磅。我们将篮筐用绳子系在一起,做好了出发准备。 A few hours later the farmers sets off. Driving up and down a narrow road, he takes us home! 几个小时后,农夫开上拖拉机出发了。狭窄的乡间小道上,农夫开得起起伏伏,他要把我们带回家了!