Chapter 3 Secret of the number

Chapter 3 Secret of the number

2022-08-27    04'07''

主播: 心妞妞

355 1

中英文台词: At sunrise early next morning Frosty wakes me up. 第二天早上日出时分,霜妹就叫醒了我。 I sit up on my bed rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Did you stay up all night trying to solve the challenging code?" I ask Frosty. 我坐在床上,揉了揉睡眼惺忪的眼睛。“你昨晚一夜没睡吗,一直在破解这挑战力十足的代码?”我问霜妹。 "Not really. I had a good sleep although my mind was mixed up. Do you still remember Professor Lulen from the Institute of Mathematics? We can visit him again and ask for his guidance today. Perhaps the professor can tell us what the numbers represent," Frosty says. “我倒没有熬夜。虽然大脑有点乱,但睡得挺香。你还记得数学研究所的路伦教授吗?我们今天可以去拜访他,听听他的指导意见。也许教授可以告诉我们那代码数字所代表的含义。”霜妹说道。 "Yeah, I remember. Professor Lulen is a great scientific researcher and a scholar of wisdom. He has gained high academic status. His devotion to the study of numbers has also earned him a certain respect. He is an expert, for sure," I say. “对,我记得。路伦教授是一位杰出的科学研究员,一位学识渊博的学者,在学术界很有地位。他潜心专研数字,备受人们尊崇。他肯定算得上是专家。”我说。 "His English is not fluent and he speaks with a Spanish accent. I guess English is not his native language. He may have a foreign nationality. But Professor Lulen is such an enthusiastic person, it is always a pleasure to meet and chat with him," I keep talking. “他的英文不是很流利,有西班牙口音,估计英语并非他的母语,他可能是外国人。但他为人热忱,和他见个面聊聊天总让人觉得开心。”我继续说道 We walk into the kitchen to have breakfast. Mum has already left for the food market. Frosty looks at me and says, "I actually saw Professor Lulen in a gallery last weekend. He looked very thin. I asked him whether he went on a diet. He said that the weight loss was due to his illness." 我们去厨房吃早饭,妈妈已经去菜场了。霜妹看着我说,“上周末我其实在美术馆看到了路伦教授。他看上去很消瘦,我问他是不是吃得少在减肥,他说是因为生病才瘦了这么多。” "Oh, really, I haven't seen him in a while," I say. “哦,是嘛,我有段日子没看到他了。”我说。 "According to the Professor, he came down with a virus disease recently. He struggled and was sent directly to the emergency room. Professor Lulen suffered some liver damage. He stayed at the clinic for a couple of months." “教授说,他最近感染了病毒型疾病。他咬牙坚持但没能扛住,直接被送进了急救室。他的肝脏出了点问题,在诊所住了好几个月。” "Gee, that was too bad. I hope he is Ok now, " I am a bit worried. “哎,那真是太糟糕了。希望他现在已经痊愈了。”我感到一丝担忧。 "He survived the disease after treatment with different medicines. The medicines contained chemicals that also caused some side effects. About half his hair had fallen out," Frosty says while we finish eating. “他接受了多种药物治疗,病是治好了,但药物中所含的化学物质也有些副作用,头发差不多掉了一半。”霜妹说道。我们吃完了早餐。 "Since we don't know if he is available today, we'd better go now," I say. “不知道他今天有没有时间,我们还是现在就出发吧。”我建议道。 We leave for the Institute after breakfast. Riding a horse-drawn carriage, we get there in 30 minutes. We are fortunate enough to find Professor Lulen in his office. Having recovered from the sickness, he seems optimistic about his health. 吃完早饭,我们便出发前往数学研究所。我们乘上马车,半个小时便到了那里。幸运的是,我们在办公室见到了路伦教授。他已经痊愈了,看上去对自己的身体状况非常乐观。 Sitting on a couch, Frosty writes down on a piece of paper the long number that we saw last night, "134316…" She remembers the number clearly as if it were printed on her memory forever. 霜妹坐在沙发上,在纸上写下了我们昨晚看到的那串长数字,“134316……”她记得一清二楚,那串数字好像永远地烙印在她的记忆里。 Professor Lulen concentrates on analysing the number. He then adds some punctuation to break the number and says, "It seems to be years." 路伦教授聚精会神地分析着数字。然后他添加了些标点,将数字隔开,说道,“看上去像是年份” On the paper, it shows "1343.1643.1933.1947.2247." 纸上写着,“1343.1643.1933.1947.2247”。