Chapter 4 Space-time transporter

Chapter 4 Space-time transporter

2022-10-08    04'10''

主播: 心妞妞

357 3

中英文台词: Why did the suitcase show us a list of different years? Most of them are several hundred years apart from each other. It even includes a future year. Are those years somehow connected? What role does the mysterious seed play then? We leave Professor Lulen's office with so many questions. 为什么手提箱会给我们看一串由不同年份组成的数字呢?各个年份相隔数百年,甚至还有一个年份尚未到来。难道他们之间存在着某种关联?那颗神秘的种子又扮演着怎么样的角色呢?我们带着一肚子的疑问离开了路伦教授的办公室。 To get some ideas, Frosty wants to look into historical events that occurred in those years. We then decide to visit a library branch in the downtown district. 霜妹想理出些头绪,便打算研究研究那些年份发生的历史事件。我们便决定去市中心的图书馆分馆看看。 We arrive at the library during its opening hours. The library building provides easy access for people with disabilities. There is also a stone sculpture sitting next to the front pavement. It is a statue in memory of a great physicist. As we get inside, a worker who is in charge of registering new members provides us with a membership card. The card can be used in the entire library system, which is made up of many local branches. 我们到了图书馆,正巧是开放时间。图书馆大楼设计巧妙,残疾人进出也很方便。门口的人行道旁矗立着一尊石雕像,以纪念一位伟大的物理学家。我们走进图书馆,负责新会员注册的工作人员给我们办了一张会员卡。该图书馆系统囊括本地多个分馆,会员卡在各分馆均可使用。 The library has a large number of books, including some very old ones published a long time ago. Therefore, it is difficult to find information quickly. Books are organized by various subjects such as literature, art, music, science, and so on. Frosty and I go straight to the history section of the library. 图书馆藏书丰富,还收藏着很久以前出版的一些旧书。这样一来,便很难快速找到相关信息。藏书是按学科分类整理的,包括文学,艺术,音乐,科学等等。我和霜妹径直来到了历史学科区。 A catalogue system is being used in the library, which simplifies our search for information a little. We search for the word "history" in the titles of books and check any lists of historical events in appendices. We have to skip a large amount of information, looking for the details of those four years: 1343, 1643, 1933, and1947. 图书馆正引入目录系统,信息搜索也因此简化了些。我们锁定关键词历史,根据书名查找起来,并仔细查看附录中每份历史事件清单。我们匆匆浏览了大量信息,寻找于1343、1643、1933、1947这四个年份有关的细节。 While Frosty is reading histories, I find an interesting poetry book written by an astronomer, talking about a journey through space and time in the universe…We spend a whole afternoon in the library and get home before dark. 霜妹正研读历史,我发现了一本有趣的诗集。这诗集是一位天文学家所写,围绕一场跨越时空的太空旅行展开……我们一下午都待在图书馆,赶在天黑前回到了家。 After dinner we return to Frosty's bedroom. I stare at the suitcase, wondering what we are supposed to do now. 吃完晚饭后,我们回到霜妹的卧室。我边看着手提箱,边琢磨着我们现在该做什么。 It is a beautiful evening. An extraordinary star shines brightly in the night sky. An owl sits quietly in a pine tree, observing us through an open window. The curtain blows gently in the wind. Then we hear the clicking sounds again coming from inside of the suitcase. "Be extra careful in case…" Before I can finish speaking, Frosty already puts her thumb on the keyhole. The suitcase opens and we look inside. 夜色很美。一颗非凡的星星悬挂在夜空中,发出耀眼的光芒。猫头鹰静静地坐在松树枝头,透过敞开的窗户看着我们。微风拂过,窗帘迎风轻轻飘扬。突然我们听到手提箱内再次传来嘀嗒嘀嗒的声音。“千万小心,万一……”还没等我把话说完,霜妹就已经将大拇指按在了钥匙孔上。手提箱打开了,我们朝内望去。 Within the suitcase, a toy-sized train rests on an orbit made from flowing lights of combined colors. We suddenly start to shrink. A super powerful force sucks us into the suitcase, which then closes itself and disappears. 手提箱内,一辆玩具大小的火车正停靠在光速轨道上,轨道流光溢彩,发出五颜六色的光芒。突然我们愈变愈小。一股强大的力量把我们吸进了箱内,然后箱子自动合上,消失得无影无踪。 The suitcase is a space-time transporter! And it is running on its own schedule! 手提箱是时空穿梭器!它正按照自己的时刻表运行!