

2017-11-08    09'20''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 学习笔记: 1. withdraw v. 取款/withdraw from… 从某处取款 e.g. withdraw from alipay 从支付宝取款 withdraw from the bank 从银行取款 withdrawal n. 2. deposit v. 存钱 n. 押金,保证金 deposit account 储蓄账户 e.g. I would like to know how much I need to pay for the deposit. 我想问问,押金要多少钱。 3. ATM: Automated Teller Machine or Automatic Teller Machine e.g. Is there an ATM nearby? 附近有自动取款机吗? 4. head office / headquarters 总行,总部,总公司 e.g. I have an important meeting at headquarters this Friday, so I’m afraid I can’t make it to your party, sorry. 我星期五在总部有一场重要的会议,所以我可能去不了你的聚会了,不好意思。 5. branch 分行,分部,分店 e.g. Our branches extended all over the country. 6. transfer 转账 e.g. He wants to transfer some money to his daughter’s account. 他想给他的女儿打点钱。 7. payment by installment Do you accept payment by installment? 请问可以分期付款吗? “on a layaway plan” or “on an installment plan” e.g. I bought a cellphone on a layaway plan/an installment plan. 我分期付款买了个新手机。 8. down payment 首付 How much did you pay for the down payment? 你首付付了多少? I put 1,000 dollars down first then. 我付了1000美元? 9. be in debt 陷入负债的情况/max out your credit card 刷爆信用卡