

2017-11-07    06'01''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 笔记: 1. (informal) to take a photograph 拍照 e.g. She snapped a picture of me and Sonia. 她拍了一张我和Sonia的合照。 2. to break with a sudden sharp noise 折断,断裂,崩断 e.g. The wind snapped branches and power lines. 大风让树枝和电线都折断了。 snap (something) in two/in half e.g. The teacher snapped the chalk in two and gave me a piece. 老师把粉笔折断成两截,给了我一半。 3. to say something quickly in an angry way e.g. “What do you want!?!??!” She snapped. “你到底想怎么样??”她怒吼道。 “Don’t just stand there!” She snapped. “别光傻站着啊!”她怒斥。 snap at sb e.g. He snapped at Jasper for no reason. 他无缘无故地朝Jasper凶!没好气地说话。 4. to suddenly stop being able to control your anger, anxiety, or other feelings in a difficult situation 情绪失控,崩溃,忍不住了 e.g. My patience finally snapped. 我的耐心一下就没了。突然暴躁。 The stress began to get to her, and one morning she just snapped. 压力太大了,然后一天早上她突然就控制不住了,情绪失控了。 5. snap my fingers 打响指 6. Oh snap! 感叹词,Oh shit! 较委婉的说法 7. Snap out of it: 指摆脱某种不好的状态,振作起来。 e.g. Come on, snap out of it. It’s not big deal. 振作起来!没什么大不了的! Come on, snap out of it! Losing that money isn't the end of the world. 振作起来!丢了那点钱又不是世界末日! Snap out of it! There is plenty more fish in the sea! 振作起来!天涯何处无芳草!