驻下英语level2 / a cold treat

驻下英语level2 / a cold treat

2017-08-30    14'32''

主播: kobeghy

584 10

更多level2 精彩内容尽在@驻下英语美术 背景音乐:Lili Kendall - Move - 01 - Move A cold treat Vocabulary frozen mash business freezer waste farmer 1.The juice is __________. We can’t drink it now. 2.Put the ice in the __________. 3.John’s __________ is selling hats. 4.The ________ grow rice. 5.Eat all your food. Don’t _________ it. 6._________ those potatoes for dinner. They let it rot in the field. 1.别给她吃太多糖,会腐化牙齿的____________________________________ 2.他把这种表演斥之为“文化垃圾”___________________________________ 3. 战后,这片区域闻起来一阵腐臭______________________________________ 4. 你把它泡在水里太久,它会腐烂的______________________________________ Pours the slushie into the mold. 1. 这个老师给塑造了他的学习好习惯______________________________________ 2. 你需要一个模子来帮你做这个蛋糕_______________________________________ 3. 太久没住人,这房间闻起来一股霉味_______________________________________ 4. 他跟他爹真是一个模子刻出来的____________________________________________ Idioms 1.  Don&`&t pay Jonathan any mind, Mary, he&`&s just talking rot again. 2.The author&`&s newest novel is very much in the same mold as his previous work. 3. She really broke the mold with her innovation. Extra words Slushie 冰沙 Question How to make an ice pop?