June Nights 六月之夜

June Nights 六月之夜

2019-10-31    01'54''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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夏夜,梦境,半睡半醒 《June Nights》 诗歌|维克多•雨果 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June Nights In summer, when day has fled, the plain covered with flowers Pours out far away an intoxicating scent; 夏日,当白昼逝去,草地上开满鲜花 迷人的香气四处飘散; Eyes shut, ears half open to noises, We only half sleep in a transparent slumber. 闭上双眼,屏蔽掉外界的喧嚣, 我们在清晰的梦境中,半睡半醒。 The stars are purer, the shade seems pleasanter; A hazy half-day colors the eternal dome; 星星愈发纯净,夜色更加迷人; 苍穹亦披上朦胧的色彩; And the sweet pale dawn awaiting her hour Seems to wander all night at the bottom of the sky. 甜美的晨曦在等待属于她的时刻, 在天幕之下整夜漫游徘徊。