《阿拉丁与神灯》 第9期

《阿拉丁与神灯》 第9期

2020-01-03    01'28''

主播: Kim🐈🌱

261 4

参考原文: He closed his eyes and said, Abracadabra! At once, the sky went dark. 闭上眼睛念念有词道:“阿布拉卡布拉!”天空立刻暗了下来。 Black smoke came from the fire, and the ground under the fire began to open. Then the smoke went away, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it. 火堆里冒出黑烟,火底下的地面裂开了。黑烟散尽后,地面上出现一块白色的巨石,上面还有一个环。 Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head. 阿拉丁非常害怕,他拔腿就跑,但阿巴那扎尔一把抓住他的手臂,抡起一巴掌打在他的头上。 For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or move. Then he cried, why did you do that, Uncle? 有那么一两分钟,阿拉丁说不出话来,也动弹不得。然后他哭了起来,你为什么要那样做呢,叔叔? You must be a man now, not a child, said Abanazar. “I am your father’s brother, and you must obey me.” 你现在必须是一个男人了,而不是一个孩子。阿巴那扎尔说。我是你父亲的兄弟,你必须听我的。 小知识点: 1.close one’s eyes 闭上眼睛 2.at once 立刻 3.run away 逃跑,跑开 4.be afraid 害怕