《阿拉丁与神灯》 第10期

《阿拉丁与神灯》 第10期

2020-01-03    02'00''

主播: Kim🐈🌱

266 3

参考原文: Don’t be afraid. In a short time you’re going to be a rich man. 不要害怕,你很快就会成为一个富翁。 Now, listen carefully. He took Aladdin’s hand. Only you can move this stone. 现在,好好听着。他拉起阿拉丁的手,现在,好好听着。只有你能挪动这个石头。 Put your hand on the ring and say your name and your father’s name. Very afraid, Aladdin put his hand on the ring. 用手抓住这个环,同时喊出你和你父亲的名字。阿拉丁战战兢兢地抓住那个环。 It was not hot, but very cold. I am Aladdin, son of Mustafa, he said. 环一点也不热,倒是非常冰冷。我是阿拉丁,穆斯塔法的儿子。他说道。 The stone moved easily, and now Aladdin could see stairs under the ground. Go down those stairs, Abanazar said, and then through four big rooms. 巨石很轻易地被移开了,阿拉丁看到底下有一道台阶。沿着那些台阶走下去。阿巴那扎尔说,穿过四个大屋子。 In the last room there is a door into a garden, and under one of the trees there is a lamp. You can take some fruit from the trees, but first you must find the lamp. Bring the lamp to me. 在最后一个房间里有一扇门通向一个花园,园里的一棵树下有一盏油灯。你可以从那些树上摘一些果子,但你必须先找到那盏油灯,并把它带给我。 Please come with me, Uncle! Aladdin said. “No, only you can do this. “ 跟我一起下去吧,叔叔!阿拉丁说。不行,只有你能做到这个。