12.2 中医英语一分钟词汇小课堂(14): Calcaneus - Channel

12.2 中医英语一分钟词汇小课堂(14): Calcaneus - Channel

2016-12-02    01'32''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

130 10

国医之声-中医英语词汇小课堂(十四) 1. Calcaneus n. 跟骨;heel 足跟 2. Calcining n. 煅(炮制学名词) 3. Callosity n. 足茧 4. Cancer n. 癌证 5. Canker Sore n. 口吻疮(又名口角疮) 6. Carbuncle n. 疽;Carbuncle and Deep-rooted Carbuncle n. 痈疽;Carbuncle Complicated by Septicemia n. 疔疮走黄(疮毒入血分) 7. Septicemia/sepsis/blood infection n. 败血病 8. Carcinoma of Breast n. 乳岩 (乳房肿块,坚硬如石,溃后如岩穴) 9. Cardia n. 贲门 (解剖名词) 10. Cardiac Beriberi n. 脚气冲心(脚气危证之一) 11. Car Sickness and Sea Sickness n. 晕车晕船;motion sickness or travel sickness 晕动病 12. Cellulitis of Internal Organs n. 内痈(疽生于内脏者)。 注:Cellulitis is a potentially serious infection of the deeper layers of skin. 13. Cerumen/Earwax/Ear Wax n. 耳垢,耳屎 14. Channels and Collaterals n. 经络 15. Channel Tunnel n. 经隧(经络的通道)