

2016-01-08    02'00''

主播: KK孔垂进

1133 56

95 A fantasy纯属虚构 When the Ambassador or Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state. 'What has happened?' she asked. 'How did your clothes get into such a mess?' 'A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily. 'University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.' 'Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife. 'And where were you at the time?' 'I was in my office as usual,' answered the Ambassador. 'The fire broke out in the basement. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must definitely get that fellow posted.' The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat. 'And how can you explain that?' she asked. 'Oh, that,' said the Ambassador. 'Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don't you think? Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.' 当艾斯卡罗比亚国的大使回到家吃午饭时,他的妻子大吃一惊。他面色苍白,衣服弄得一团糟。”发生了什么事?”她问。”你的衣服怎么弄得一团糟?”灭火器弄的,我亲爱的,”大使冷冷地回答。”今天上午大学生们放火点着了大使馆。”“天啊!”他的夫人惊叫。”那你当时在什么地方?”我在我的办公室,像往常一样,”大使回答说。”地下室着了火。我马上下去了,当然,和那个傻瓜,霍斯特把灭火器对准了我。他以为我身上着火了。我一定要把那个家伙贴。”大使夫人继续提出问题,她突然发现她丈夫的帽子上有个洞。”你如何解释呢?”她问。”哦,那个,”大使说。”某人我办公室窗户开了一枪。精确的,你不觉得吗?幸运的是,当时我没戴着它。如果我有,我不能回家吃午饭。”