毕业 ,不说再见

毕业 ,不说再见

2020-07-18    07'28''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1872 10

各位听众你们好,这里是新联学院campus radio service,我是你们的主播Olivia。一年又一年,毕业季,每年的夏天都会出现这个关键的字眼。每年的夏天也都是伤感的季节,因为又有一批大学生要离开校园,步入社会! Graduation likes a big full stop, from then on, we bid farewell to a period of pure youth, a period of youth frivolous years, a time full of fantasy.. 毕业,就像一个大大的句号,从此,我们告别了一段纯真的青春,一段年少轻狂的岁月,一个充满幻想的时代…… There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises." Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference. 人们把毕业典礼称为“commencement exercises”的原因是:毕业不是旅程的终结,而是开始。在现实生活中,你每天都在毕业。毕业会延续到你生命的最后一天。如果你懂得这点,你就会变得不同。 今天我想分享一段英文歌词,献给新联学院所有毕业的学长学姐们! Graduation By Vitamin C. So we talked all night about the rest of our lives 我们曾整夜讨论以后的生活 Where we're gonna be when we turn 25 不知25岁时我们会在哪里 I keep thinking times will never change. 我坚持认为时代不会更替 Keep on thinking things will always be the same 坚持认为事物会亘古不变 But when we leave this year we won't be coming back 但当今年离开,我们就不再回来 No more hanging out cause we're on a different track 不会再呆在一起,因为我们会过着不同的生活 And if you got something that you need to say 如果你有需要讲的话 You’d better say it right now cause you don't have another day 最好现在就说吧,因为你不可能再多有一天 Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down 因为我们在往前走,不能放慢脚步 These memories are playing like a film without sound 记忆就像在播放无声电影 And I keep thinking of that night in June 我经常想起六月的那个夜晚 I didn't know much of love but it came too soon 我对爱还不太了解 And there was me and you 但它又来得太快 And then we got real cool 我和你在一起 Stay at home talking on the telephone 呆在家里和我在电话里聊天 We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared 我们兴奋,也很害怕 Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair 自嘲自乐,认为生活不公 And this is how it feels... 这就是全部的感受 So if we get the big jobs 如果我们身居要职 And we make the big money 赚很多钱 When we look back now 当我们回顾今天 Will our jokes still be funny? 是否我们的玩笑仍然有趣? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? 是否我们的玩笑仍然有趣? Still be trying to break every single rule 是否还试着打破每一个条例? Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? 是否我们会考虑未来就像我们考虑现在? Can we survive it out there? 是否我们在社会上能挺下来? Can we make it somehow? 是否我们能获得某种成功? I guess I thought that this would never end 我猜这永远都不会结束 And suddenly it's like we're women and men 但突然好像我们都已经长大成人 Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round? 是否过去会像影子一样跟随我们? Will these memories fade when I leave this town 是否当我离开这个地方,这些记忆会褪色? I keep thinking that it's not goodbye 我坚持,坚持认为这并不是再见 Keep on thinking it's our time to fly 坚持认为已到了展翅高飞的时候 As we go on, we remember 当生活继续,我们记得 All the time we had together 所有我们在一起的时光 And as our lives change, come whatever 当生活在改变,但无论发生什么 We will still be, friends forever 我们永远是朋友 今天的节目就要接近尾声了,最后祝所有毕业的学长学姐毕业快乐,前程似锦,你的母校永远是你最坚强的后盾,记得常回家看看!