【旅游学英语】Travel Alone

【旅游学英语】Travel Alone

2016-11-30    10'20''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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获取更多资讯,欢迎关注新浪微博@,新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播: Joy 本期文稿: Travel alone 李姣 人生感悟 I always had the impression that time was passing too fast, that I was not fulfilling my potential and that I was lost in a world, which I was struggling to get to know even in a small part. I always wanted to travel, but I didn.t know how to start. I was insecure about my own decisions, but first and foremost I was afraid to do it alone. One day I just decided to finally leave all these concerns at home and go traveling by myself. I decided to book tickets to places I had never been, pack my backpack and escape to a new part of the world for almost a year. After visiting 40 countries, I can assure you that being your own captain while crossing into unknown lands is the most self-developing experience it is possible to have. Let me explain to you why. 1. Free Your Mind When you travel alone, the sense of having absolute freedom is amazing. Nothing frees your mind more than traveling solo. For a brief time in life, you don.t have to listen to anyone but yourself. You don.t have to be afraid of not living up to someone else.s expectations. You can rewire your mind step by step and create a new, better version of you. If you are traveling with a significant other you automatically have to worry about being a “girlfriend” or “boyfriend.” If you are traveling with friends, you become “one of the group.” No matter how much you.d like to say you are free, you are always playing a role, trying to fulfill someone else.s expectations. When you travel solo, you get to just be yourself, so you can follow your own rhythm and desires. 2. Meet People You Never Expected Awesome people are all around you, wherever you go. This fact has been one of the most fulfilling realizations I.ve had during all my travels. It means that wherever you go, you are going to be fine. Whether you.re traveling in a big city, tiny remote village or in the jungle, you can meet amazing people. When you travel somewhere, you are never actually alone for very long. Being alone in a new environment opens you up to experiencing what other people have to offer and learning from them. It.s easier approaching someone who is alone than someone in a couple or large group. People from different countries come from a diverse set of experiences, cultures and habits. You can share experiences and learn lessons with every new encounter, making your trip a unique experience that you.ll always remember and learn from. 3. Expand Your Comfort Zone When traveling with a group of friends, you are obligated to stick with them. Of course you can venture outside this circle, but your interactions with the environment won.t be as dynamic or informative as when you are alone. When you travel solo, you have to plunge into each new environment and challenge yourself by significantly expanding your comfort zone every day. You may team up with complete strangers for some random adventure or go out for some social gathering, gaining valuable experience, while opening yourself up to new points of views and habits. 4. Get Inspired Sometimes people don.t seem that interesting at first, but if you dig a little deeper you will discover how much more they can offer you. When you travel, everyone has similar goals that bring them together. You meet people outside of their usual background. Everyone is anonymous and eager to share what they know. Be prepared to have some of the most inspiring conversations of your life with complete strangers. 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~*