亲爱的听众朋友们,大家晚上好,这里是河南师范大学新联学院英语广播电台我是今天的主播Jessica今天是圣诞节,Merry Christmas!今天我想给大家分享一些全世界不同国家过圣诞节的习俗。 在海地,小朋友们会在圣诞树下摆着一只装满稻草的鞋子,他们相信圣诞老人看到会把鞋子移走,然后在原本的位置上放一份圣诞礼物。 In Haiti,Children put shoe full of straw under the tree.They believe Santa Claus will move the shoe and put a Christmas present in his place. In Katalanisch ,Caga Tio is a piece of wood with a celebration hat ,people feed it a lot of sweets on Christmas people would beat it with a stick on Christmas as if he had made a lot of candy. 。In Chech,It’s said that single women will test their marriage at this time.If they drop a shoe over their shoulder and head to the front door after it lands,they will have a chance to ring the weeding bell next year. In Poland,At Christmas dinner,they decorate the table under the table to look like a manger at the birth of Jesus and hold activities like pulling straws ,and if they are green,they will have good luck or marriage in the coming year.And yellow symbolizes singleness. The person who finds almonds in the rice pudding is said to be getting married the following year because this single person can choose their bowl at will. In Japan,Christmas is like Valentine’s Day.The most popular celebration of the Square is when couples go to KFC together.and it’s hard to imagine the popularity being so great that you can’t make an appointment at a fast food restaurant. Cosoda refers to the Christmas Breakfast,when the Portuguese set up empty chairs on the dinner table not to be late,but to honor the memory of their deceased loved ones and imagine the family reunion. In Belarus,Unmarried women place piles of corn at their feet and wait for the rooster to peck.If the rooster choose the food under his feet .She could be a bride next year. In England,Since the 18th century,it’s said that kissing under the mistletoe is a symbol of abundance Rong.