Hello,everyone .This is Campus Radio Service.I am Clover.节目开始前,大家先来猜一猜,下面这首诗描述的是什么建筑呢。重檐翠瓦缀天绫,砌玉楼栏镶嵌彩龙。凤阕云龙蟠玉柱,金桥碧水绕宫廷。没错,就是故宫。 2020年,是故宫第600岁生日,下面我们就来看一下这个年轻的故宫。 The imperial palace in Beijing is the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, formerly known as the Forbidden City. It is one of the largest and best preserved wooden structures in the world. The Palace Museum in Beijing is known as the first of the world's five great palaces. The construction of the imperial palace in Beijing began in the fourth year of the reign of emperor chengzu of the Ming dynasty (1406). It is a rectangular city, 961 meters long from north to south, 753 meters wide from east to west, surrounded by a wall of 10 meters high, there is a moat of 52 meters wide outside. The buildings in the Forbidden City are divided into outer court and inner court. The center of the outer court is the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of central harmony and the hall of baohe, which are called the three main halls, the back three palaces, and the main palace where the emperor and the empress lived. Its long history and exquisite architectural culture make it a calling card of China. 吸引着游客的不仅仅有故宫,还有故宫的御前侍卫,可爱的故宫御猫天团。   新中国成立后,故宫成为了博物馆,博物馆的工作人员就发现了这一情况,根据考察这些猫是古代那些达官贵人猫的后代,最后故宫就决定将这些猫留下了,让他们正式的成为故宫的一份子。故宫将这些猫一一登记造册,并且还给这些猫都取了名字,从此他们便从流浪猫成为了故宫的守护者。  红墙白雪琉璃瓦,雪中故宫美如画。 几乎每一年冬季,故宫都会因为一场雪,惊艳了世界。每一次,当故宫的雪悄悄地来临,故宫,仿佛就又变成了紫禁城。红墙白雪的相互映衬,使故宫的庄严肃穆中又多了一些浪漫色彩,撑伞漫步在故宫的雪中,《步步惊心》里的场景浮现在脑海。 好了,今天的分享到这里就结束了,我是Clover. 我们下期再见。