【 向上的力量】A Letter to my Freshman Self

【 向上的力量】A Letter to my Freshman Self

2020-04-11    06'45''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1960 12

A Letter to my Freshman Self cr. b站 阿曾曾儿 Dear freshman myself, how's it going? We never talked or wrote, but I know you probably have thought about me every now and then, but now here I am, trying to write this letter to you. How's life? you must be so excited to start your new life in college. I know, I know, everyone excited! Meeting new friends, having classes with new classmates, that is exciting, but I do have something to tell you before you start to lose track and make mistake. Even though I'm not sure if you’ve ever had a chance to listen to this, but I have to do it. At the moment, you're probably so immersed in the feeling of freedom and homesick. On top of that, the military training must have drained every last bit of your energy. You will get so tanned, but it's ok, you'll be a lot paler for the next couple years. So, no worries! You've always been told that it'll all get better after the end of college entrance examination. College life has so much fun and it’s definitely the best time to enjoy life, but please don't forget to make full use of your time and make each day count. Learn how to manage your time, and you will feel more fulfilled and accomplished, even when you are having fun or enjoying life. Freshman year is a transition from a pre-arranged high school schedule to a self-arranged pre-adulting schedule, you have to be clearly aware of your time and what you were supposed to do or not do. This process takes time, and the exploration will definitely lead you to a good lifestyle. To achieve this, I'm not saying that you have to study in the classroom all the time. But more like you have to balance school, your life, and your self-improvement as a human being. You probably don't want to listen to the 5 years older version of you nagging at you all the time. But the future you will definitely thank me for this. Speaking of that, I also want you to realize that only focusing on study is not a good way to survive college. You don't go to college just because you need the information from the text book. It's when you discover what you are really interested in. Maybe some people already knew this back in middle school or high school, but you~, I know definitely not one of them. Learn more skills, find a hobby, some out of class, self-improvement skills, like Photoshop, video or audio editing, graphic design etc. That would definitely save you 5 years from now so much time when you studying or working. College is just like a mini real world, but under a certain umbrella that is protecting you. This is the time when you have to jump out of your comfort zone and realize that you're not the center of the world. It's always great to be confident, but being too over confident can be seen as arrogant. And that might keep friends or people who want to be friends with you away. So, keep in mind to be confident and humble. I know you might be good at something, try to be an expert on it, but don't quit half way and rest your past work. That is not a good idea. Otherwise, you have to rebuild your confidence and regain the skills all over again couple years later. You know, sometime you seem to not care about anything, but I know you have a softest heart and do care a lot about friends. The way you communicate with people might be easily mistaken. You can't just expect for yourself to all of a sudden became an expert in interpersonal communication. These little efforts should be made on the daily bases. So, you better start working on that to make my life easier! Don't be afraid to show your kindness and try to put yourself into others' shoes. Alright, you must be so exhausted right now, thinking can this guy just shut up? No, I still got a few points to say. In college, maybe you will have several crashes, but that’s definitely not love. Always remember to focus on yourself and your self-improvement. Don't waste your time on people, that are not worth it. Wow, this is also something you have to deal with right now. But if anyone that asks you to give up something that might be beneficial for the future you. That just ditch it, drop it. You need someone who wants to be a better version of themselves as much as you do. But not someone who is frightened by your growth or strength. Please don't do stupid things. You've already done so many! And just learn the lesson before it's too late. You will eventually find true love, maybe 5 years or 10 years later, don't rush. You have to be self-independent, self-loved and ultimate goal should always be about yourself. I know there is some points that are not satisfied with yourself. But if that's the case, that just start making some effort, start trying, start procrastinating. Eat less, work out more, that's easy. If you never start trying, you will never be your ideal self. These are the main things I wanted to let you know when you just entered college. As I said, you probably would never have the chance to read this or listen to this. Unless there is a time machine in the world. But there are a lot of people out there who are confused as you were.so I just want you guys to know that it's all goanna be OK. Just Hang in there, try harder, make each day count, keep learning. The outcome will always come to you.