【旅游】呼伦贝尔Hulu buir

【旅游】呼伦贝尔Hulu buir

2020-05-05    05'17''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1233 8

Hello,everyone. This is Campus Radio Service. I'm Clover.今天要给大家介绍的是位于中国最美六大草原之首的伦贝尔草原。呼伦贝尔草原位于内蒙古自治区东北部,是世界著名的天然牧场,是世界四大草原之一,被称为世界上最好的草原。 The name of Hulunbuir comes from a folktale.. Once upon a time, there were the wind devil and the sand devil in the grassland. The land was barren and extremely short of water. A pair of lovers in a brave Mongols tribe on the prairie. Hulun, a girl who is skilled at singing and dancing is very brainy ;the brave boy who is skilled at riding and shooting,called Bell. In order to save the grassland and pursue love, they fought the wind demon, killed the Sand Devil, prayed for the rain and protected the living, the grassland was dressed up strikingly beautiful. To thank and commemorate them, the people of the prairie named their homeland Hulunbuir. 呼伦贝尔的名字来源于一个民间故事。很久很久以前,草原上风妖和沙魔横行,地上寸草不生,滴水如金。草原上一个勇敢的蒙古族部落里有一对情侣,女孩能歌善舞,才貌双全,叫呼伦;男孩力大无比,能骑善射,叫贝尔。他们为了拯救草原,追求爱情,与草原上的妖魔奋勇搏杀,他们降风妖、除沙魔、施甘露、布生灵,把草原打扮得格外美丽。草原人民为感谢和纪念他们,就把自己的家乡取名呼伦贝尔。 呼伦贝尔草原四季分明,被世人誉为世界美丽的花园。 In spring, the snow melts. The grass fluttered with tender buds, the flowers smelled sweet in the wind, and the wild and colourful flowers of the prairie began to bloom, like a beautiful carpet. The trees have also put on the green gauze clothing, the spring swallows are smiling to return, the entire prairie spring is in full bloom. In the spring, Hulunbuir is a lively feast of color and beauty. In summer, the air here is fresh and the temperature is cool. It's a summer resort. After a light rain, the grassland scenery is in full view. The breeze blow and the grass billow, forming a green sea. Shepherd girl, singing a beautiful love song, waving a sheep's whip, walking on the beautiful grassland. In the evening, in the glow of the sunset, the grassland and the sky become integrading. Mongolian yurts sounded the euphoric sound of the Horse's head Qin, this dynamic and static combination of grassland beauty, making people relaxed and happy. The autumn and winter here are also eye-catching. 呼伦贝尔是世界少有的绿色净土和人间的乐园.四季风光无限。拥有太多让人流连忘返的美丽景致。微风拂人,草香袭人,月光诱人,水波撩人,鸟声动人。坐在草原上,悠扬的马头琴声,熊熊的篝火,特色民族舞蹈,酣畅淋漓的放声歌唱,那将是人生中最美的故事。 好了,今天的分享到这里就结束了,我是Clover,期待下次与你的相遇。