

2021-04-03    05'07''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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This is Clara~今天为大家分享一个非常浪漫的小众节日—— 清迈水灯节。The place you must go once in your life should be Chiang Mai in November. Watching thousands of sky lanterns light up the night sky is amazing romance all over the world. This is Thailand's traditional festival-loi krathong. Loi krathong in Chiang Mai is the most unique in Thailand. Loi krathong is held on December 15th of the Thai calendar every year. This year, the date is set for November 2-4.一生一定要去一次的地方,应该要有11月份的清迈。看万人天灯把夜空点亮,那是惊艳全世界的浪漫。这就是泰国的传统节日——水灯节。而清迈的水灯节则是全泰国最独特的。水灯节在每年泰历12月15日举行。今年,日期定在了11月2至4日。There are different wonderful activities every day during the festival. Blessing with water lanterns, parade with floats, visiting night markets and so on. The most traditional project in loi krathong is water lanterns. Every night in loi krathong, couples make a wish for everlasting life with water lanterns, and watch the water lanterns drift away with their yearning for the future. On the evening of the event, there will be a chanting ceremony on the scene. The monks sat on the stage and walked around the field for a week. The scene was spectacular. The most anticipated sky lantern event for 10,000 people is scheduled for the evening of November 3rd, attracting people from all over the world. All flights to Chiang Mai will also be cancelled during the sky lanterns, and the sky will be completely handed over to the sky lanterns. The sky lantern carries people's good wishes. At the moment of flying, couples will choose to confess or propose marriage, praying that their love will be protected by God.节日期间,每天都有不同的精彩活动。水灯祈福、花车游行,逛夜市等等。水灯节最传统的项目则是放水灯, 每逢水灯节的夜晚,情侣们对着水灯许下天长地久的愿望,看着水上的灯带着他们对未来的向往逐流而去。活动当晚,现场还会有诵经仪式,僧侣们坐在台上,绕场一周,场面十分壮观 。最受人们期待的万人天灯活动定在11月3日晚上,吸引着全世界的人前往 。在放天灯的时间段,所有的清迈航班也将会取消,把天空完全交给放天灯的民众。天灯承载着人们的美好愿望,在放飞的那一刻,情侣们也会选择告白或是求婚,祈求他们的爱情会得到神的庇护。Looking up is the night sky lit by thousands of lights, and at the foot is the river illuminated by thousands of candles. The whole town is shrouded in a wonderful atmosphere full of blessings. Would you like to have a look at such a romantic and beautiful night?抬头是被万灯闪烁点亮的夜空,脚下是数千支蜡烛照亮的河流,整个小城笼罩着满是祝福的美妙气氛,这样浪漫又美好的夜晚,你想不想去看一看呢?Today‘s share is end. Let’s look forward to sharing next time!