

2021-02-28    06'17''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

352 3

Hello everyone!Welcome to campus radio service.This is Luna.Today I wanna share with you a beautiful song named"Fractures". 这是一首非常励志昂扬向上的歌曲,我们一起来欣赏一下里面振奋人心的句子吧!Maybe there is hunger in my blood,Screaming out loud for what I want,See me running full speed at it,Shattering, collide,Call it post-traumatic,Now it's do or die,Coming after tiny fractures。也许那贪婪在我血液中流淌,嘶吼出我欲求渴想的一切,且看我全速奔跑追逐着那些,即便是粉身碎骨 亦能复而重生,你大可随意唾弃伤痕累累的我,我只准备孤注一掷,哪怕我只是那渺小的裂纹随其漂泊。好啦,下面我们来一起欣赏这首歌曲吧!欣赏完美妙的歌声过后,一起学习里面的短语吧!Desperate for a change。desperate for 渴望急需的意思 如:Giving a helping hand to those who are desperate for help can make our society more harmonious。向急需帮助之人伸出援助之手,能让我们的社会变得更加和谐。Crashing down the ancient roads。crash down朝下猛撞的意思。如:Sometimes it was thrown high up into the air,to crash down again the next moment harder than ever.有时它被抛向空中,接着又再次坠落,摔得比之前还要狠。Scream out loud for what I want.大叫,尖声喊叫 如:These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites.这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。 好啦,本期的听歌学英语栏目到这里就结束了。感谢大家的收听,我们下期再见。