[Party Madness] S10E2

[Party Madness] S10E2

2017-10-31    21'47''

主播: 英语广播台

228 2

大众运输工具上,有一些特殊显眼的座位,它们就是“博爱座”。 In some public means of transportation, We can see some special conspicuous seats, which we called “priority seat” 座位旁边会写“请优先礼让座位给需要的乘客”,或写“请优先让位给老人、孕妇、行动不便及抱小孩的乘客”。 Next to the seat will write "Please yield your seat to elderly, pregnant, disabled, or baby-holding passengers" or write “Red Seats Reserved for Seniors, Children, Pregnant Women, the Sick and the Disabled." 但是,有时候附近没有这类群体时,博爱座经常空着也没人坐。进而导致座位的浪费。 However, sometimes there is no such groups nearby, “priority seats” are often empty, leading to a waste of seats. 那么问题就来了,人们在生活中经常会因为这样的“博爱座”位置而引发争执,有人认为这是每个人都可以坐的地方,而有的人认为,这是仅提供给特殊需要的人使用,“博爱座”的出现也成了一件具有争议的社会问题。 So the problem is, people in life often sparked a dispute because of this “priority seat", some people think that it is where everyone can sit on, and some people think that this is only available to the special people, “priority seat" appears to have become a controversial social problems. 因此,博爱座真的有必要存在吗?存在和不存在的理由又分别是什么呢? So, is it really necessary to have “priority seat”? What are the reasons for being and non existence? 本期,party madness的两派成员们将据理力争,迸发出激烈的爆炸火花,让我们一起围观爆炸组他们精彩的辩论对决吧!一定要准时收听哦!新诞生的Party Mdaness一定会给大家带来与众不同的感觉,让大家一起炸起来! In this period, Party madness of the two members will argue, burst out explosion sparks fierce. Let&`&s watch their wonderful debate! Be sure to listen on time!The new birth of Party Mdaness will bring you a different feeling, let everyone explode together!