Party Madness S10E3

Party Madness S10E3

2017-11-07    23'30''

主播: 英语广播台

343 1

上一期 爆炸组的宝宝们就 【公交车上是否应该设有“博爱座”】 这一问题展开了激烈的辩论 最后 反方以微弱的优势占了上风╰(*°▽°*)╯ 这一期 爆炸组将就一个 【与人类的生存息息相关】的问题 展开深入灵魂的分享与讨论(*゚▽゚*) 那么 这一期的主题究竟是什么呢? 初入大学,怀着忐忑不安的心情搬进了整洁的宿舍,认识了一群看似【矜持、端庄、含蓄】的舍友们(`・ω・´) (´・ω・`) When entering the ununiversity for the first time,with an uneasy feeling, students made the acquaintance of several seemingly elegant,reserved and implicative roommates... 本以为大学的日子就会这么相敬如宾地过下去。。。。。。 I once thought that my schooldays in the university will last like this peacefully...... HOWEVER... 经过几个月的相处,舍友的属性渐渐暴露出来。。。。。。 After several months of getting along with each other,the attributes of roommates are gradually exposed... 由于地方文化、生活习惯、性格爱好的差异,与舍友相处的过程中难免产生摩擦,个中缘由,一言难尽,于是宝宝们纷纷开启了吐槽模式 (ノ`Д´)ノ Due to the differences in local cultural,lifestyle,personality and interests,it is hard to avoid the frictioness in getting along with roommates. It's a long story, so the babies started the speech patterns (ノ ` д) ノ 什么舍友一个星期不洗澡气味难以描述啊,舍友修仙到凌晨啊,东西被舍友弄坏啊。。。更有宝宝以亲身经历解答【宿舍对面是公共卫生间是一种怎样的体验】(╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴ Such as that a roommate has a indescribable smell,without bathing for a week,the roommates stay up too late till midnight,the roommates cause some destruction,etc.And there is also a personal experience about "what life is like living opposite to the public toliet". HOWEVER! 尽管有很多槽点,宝宝们对自己的舍友还是爱得深沉的,他们也分享了许多和舍友间有爱的小故事(* ̄∇ ̄*) Although there are many slot points, babies still love their roommates deeply, they also shared a lot of love stories happening between them and their roommates. 让我们一起围观本期爆炸组的分享吧!一定要准时收听哦!大家一起炸起来! In all,let's watch their wonderful sharing!Be sure to listen on time!Let everyone explode together!
上一期: [Party Madness] S10E2
下一期: [Party Madness] S10E4