

2017-05-16    01'34''

主播: 不讲话的刺猬

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一遍读完,🈶️错误😂完成胜过完美,忙飞,作罢…… “Why, Trap, I didn’t know you were so cultured!” I remarked, filling my plate. My cousin smirked. “What culture? I got that from a cartoon on TV,” he scoffed. “You can find everything on TV, you know.” “Yes, of course you can...” I answered absentmindedly. I was sniffing at the sauce again. “Are you sure these clams are fresh?” “What do you mean, fresh? Of course they’re fresh!” Trap insisted. “Cross my heart.” “It’s just that they smell sort of like a skunk at a cheap perfume counter,” I offered. My cousin jumped off of the sofa. “Are you calling me a liar?” he shouted. “I told you they were fresh as fresh can be! If you don’t believe me, fine. I guess you just enjoy hurting my feelings!” Thea grabbed a slice of bread and headed for the stairs. “It’s my turn to stand watch!” she chirped, racing away. I hesitated for a moment, then began to eat very slowly. “I don’t think I’ll have any clams after all. I lost my appetite,” said Trap, nibbling some bread and cheese. At two o’clock that morning, I woke up with a horrible stomachache. I dashed to the bathroom, my glasses dangling off my snout. Seconds later, I tripped over the bath mat, banged my snout on the medicine cabinet, and plopped onto the toilet. Suddenly, I had a horrible thought. Could it be the clams that had made me sick? (B级朗读有背景色部分) 文章大意 在昨天的文章中,Trap提到了中世纪的战争,Geronimo突然觉得 Trap也不差嘛,还挺有文化的,就和他搭话。没想到Trap说,他这些都是从动画片里学来的,还评论说,电视上什么都学得到。Geronimo这样的学者听到这些当然又继续无语了。Geronimo认为蛤蜊的味道怪怪的,就问Trap怎么回事。Trap坚持说蛤蜊是新鲜的。还指责Geronimo总是喜欢伤害自己的感情。Thea见状拿着面包撤离了。Trap说他也没胃口吃蛤蜊汁拌意大利面了,就吃了面包。只有Geronimo吃了。晚上2点,Geronimo在厕所大大折腾,他突然觉得这一切都和蛤蜊汁有关。 绝妙之处 作者在描写大半夜Geronimo感到不适时,用了大量的动作。眼镜掉到了鼻子上;被垫子绊倒;撞到药箱;扑通一声撞到厕所上。 精彩词句 1. They were fresh as fresh can be. 要有多新鲜,就有多新鲜! 2. 生活口语:没胃口了。 I lost my appetite. 再教大家一个常用语:Bon appetite. 祝您好胃口。(用在吃饭前) 这其实是个法语。但是已经在英语中大量使用。类似的表达还有:Bon Voyage。旅途愉快/一路平安。