20170516213316-D13 fresh clams anyone?3

20170516213316-D13 fresh clams anyone?3

2017-05-16    01'31''

主播: 不讲话的刺猬

3 0

不熟悉.. Just then the bathroom door opened wide. Looking half asleep, Trap peered into the bathroom. Then he covered his nose with both paws. “What are you up to? Building some kind of stink bomb?” he coughed. Thea, woken up by all the noise, joined us. She sized up the situation in an instant. “Spit out the truth, Trap,” demanded my sister. “Where did you really buy those clams?” My cousin was silent. He stared down at the carpet. “Uh, well, I bought them in the fish department ... at the frozen-food counter!” he confessed with a guilty look. “Frozen?!” I squeaked. “But you told me they were fresh clams!” Trap stood up straight. “Well, yes, of course they were fresh ... at one time. The frozen clams were, um, a special offer. The mouse who sold them to me last month told me to eat them that same day or they would spoil ... but, of course, I didn’t take him seriously. You know these sales mice, they always tend to exaggerate,” squeaked Trap. “Grrrrrr. Sales mice, my paw!” I cried. “Do you realize you could have killed me with that poison?! You should get a job as a chef at a cafeteria for cats!” I tried to grab him, but I ended up stumbling over a roll of toilet paper instead. Why, oh, why had we brought him along? (B级朗读有背景色部分) 文章大意 Trap半梦半醒地来到厕所,被臭到嘲讽Geronimo做臭气弹。Thea也闻声赶来。在Thea和Geronimo的逼问下,Trap承认了自己撒的谎。但同时推脱说销售人员说的话不可信。Geronimo再次后悔死带上Trap。 绝妙之处 Trap说销售人员的话不可信,人家告诉他当天吃掉的食物,他硬是放了一个月还敢煮来吃。这些描写准确地刻画了Trap不拘小节,马马虎虎,大大咧咧的性格。 Geronimo讽刺Trap说他应该去猫的食堂做厨师。You should get a job as a chef at a cafeteria for cats! 与上一章呼应,并加强语气。本章最后也用了同一句话结尾。Why, oh, why had we brought him along? 精彩词句 1. 臭弹 stink bomb 2. 说实话:Spit out the truth. spit表示吐出... 很巧的是,我们中文里,也会用“吐”真言这种表达,