20170516214027-D14 A mystery on board

20170516214027-D14 A mystery on board

2017-05-16    01'35''

主播: 不讲话的刺猬

16 0

完成胜过完美,读一遍不熟错太多😂 今日朗读 Geronimo Stilton 《老鼠记者》 Book1. Lost treasure of the emerald eye 蓝思指数:530L (建议7岁以上基础良好孩子/成人朗读) Chapter 8 A Mystery on Board 十一老师朗读G. Stilton-Day14 来自十一老师 00:0002:03 At dawn, on the sixteenth day of sailing, we were almost halfway to Treasure Island. After my watch, I went down to the galley, where we had stored all of our food. That’s when I discovered the bread crumbs on the floor. Strange, very strange, I thought. The trail of crumbs led to a barrel full of apples. I lifted the barrel’s lid. Inside, I found five chewed-up apple cores! Did we have a stowaway on board? I decided not to say anything to the others. Not yet, anyway. If I was wrong, they would make fun of me for the rest of the trip! The next night, when everyone was asleep, I sprinkled some baby powder in front of the kitchen door. Then I tied a piece of thread to the doorknob. Early the next morning I went down to check. Just as I’d thought! The thread had been broken! Yep, it sure looked like someone had been sticking their paws in the old Cheese Bit jar! Then I noticed the paw prints in the powder. How odd! They were very, very small. Could they belong to a dwarf mouse? I decided I had to do something before the little thief ate us right out of houseboat and home! That night, I slept with my lucky baseball bat by my side. It was a present from Slugrat Jones, also known as Sluggy, an old rat friend of mine who plays professional baseball. If that stowaway came after me, I’d be ready for him! (B级朗读有背景色内容。) 文章大意 厨房地上的面包屑,苹果核,让Geronimo感觉船上有偷渡客。为了不打草惊蛇,他没有告诉任何人。而是晚上一个人布好局,单独行动。地上撒爽身粉,门把手上绑上线。第二天早上一看果然有脚印,且线断了。但奇怪的是脚印非常小。 Geronimo准备好了棒球棍,决定当晚抓住这个食物盗贼后大干一场。 绝妙之处 Geronimo怀疑有偷渡客后,他的第一反应是,不要告诉Thea和Trap。因为一旦他说了,如果发现不是事实的话,整个航行他觉得自己都会被嘲笑的。 以上描述可见Geronimo真的跟Trap和Thea是两类人,G谨小慎微,一切都要有把握后,才会决定。而另外Trap是个大大咧咧的马大哈;而Thea是个超级迅速的行动派。 描写到Geronimo准备好自己的棒球棒时,他说到这个礼物是Slugrat Jones给他的。此人被亲切地称为Sluggy. Slug是棒球中的致命一击。slugger就是击球手。老鼠击球手当然要把人的后缀-er换成老鼠rat。Slugrat就是这么来的。 至于这个姓Jones。我感觉作者想要联系到Indiana Joans(美国电影《夺宝奇兵》主角)上面。都是去探险寻宝的。 精彩词句 How odd! 多么奇怪啊! 剪短感叹句用法:How+形容词adj./副词adv. How lovely! How quickly! How delicious! ate us right out of houseboat and home.把整船的东西都吃光。 eat ... out of ... 把某人的xxx吃光。 That poor beggar boy ate out of his own dish very quickly.