From Caterpillar to Butterfly--2

From Caterpillar to Butterfly--2

2016-07-21    04'07''

主播: 爱看书的安小哥

76 1

继续听听小毛毛虫是怎么变成蝴蝶的哟 From Caterpillar to Butterfly After many days our caterpillar is finished growing. It is much bigger than when it first came to school. It is almost as big as my little finger now. Our caterpillar is making a special house. First it makes a button of silk. It uses this button to hang upside down from a twig. Then it molts for the last time. Instead of a new skin, this time there is shard shell. This she'll is called a chrysalis. Our caterpillar will stay inside the chrysalis for a long time. Every day the chrysalis looks the same. We can't see anything happening. But inside the chrysalis our caterpillar is changing. Will our caterpillar ever turn into a butterfly? Will it ever come out of its chrysalis? We can hardly wait. But we do. We wait and wait and wait. Then, one day, during snack time, somebody shouts, "look!" And we all rush over to see. The chrysalis is cracking. We see ahead, a body, and then. . .wings! It's a butterfly! The tiny caterpillar who came to school in a jar turned into a Painted Lady butterfly! And we saw it happen. Our butterfly is damp and crumpled. It hangs on to the chrysalis while its wings flap, flap, flap. Blood pumps into its wings. The wings straighten out and dry. Soon our butterfly will be ready to fly. Our butterfly cannot stay in the jar. It needs to be outside with flowers and grass and trees and other butterflies. It is a warm spring day. I put my finger into the jar. The butterfly sits on my finger. I pull it out and our butterfly goes free. We feel a little sad and a little happy. We watch our butterfly land on a flower. It will sip the flower's nectar through a long, coiled tube called a proboscis. Maybe it is a female butterfly. Maybe someday she will lay an egg on a leaf. I know just what will happen then. That egg will hatch into a caterpillar. And that caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. The end. . .