The Birthday Dance Party--1

The Birthday Dance Party--1

2016-07-22    03'05''

主播: 爱看书的安小哥

79 1

今天讲爱探险的朵拉, Dora的故事。 书里好多的西班牙语,真心不知道怎么读,只能略去了,考虑找个西班牙语老师. . . The Birthday Dance Party Hola! I'm Dora, and this is Boots. Today we're going to my cousin Daisy's fifteenth birthday party. That's a special birthday party where she'll become all grown up! Boots and I need your help to deliver Daisy's present--her special crown and shoes--to wear at her party. She can't start the party without them! Will you help us take the crown and shoes to Daisy's birthday party? Great! Map says we have to go past the Barn and then through the Rainforest to get to Daisy's party! Remember to WatchKit for that sneaky fox, Swiper. He may try to swipe Daisy's present. If you see him, say " Swiper, no swiping!" Vamonos! is! Let's go! There's the Barn! Hey-- do you see that funny-looking duck? Wait--that's not a duck! It's Swiper the fox! Oh, no! Swiper swiped Daisy's present and threw it on that conveyor belt. It's rolling away! We have to get Daisy's present back. It the present is on the conveyor belt with a circle flap, say "circle!" If the present is on the conveyor belt with a triangle flap, say "triangle!" Quick! Which conveyor belt is the present on? Circle! Si! We got Daisy's present back and we make it past the Barn. Thanks for helping! Now we need to go through the Rainforest. But look! There's a rain cloud over the Rainforest. We can't let Daisy's present get wet! To be continued. . .