

2018-08-02    04'26''

主播: Candy英语美文/英文朗读

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This Is What Leaving Your Comfort Zone REALLY Is Because It’s Not Just Quitting Your 9-5 And Traveling 想要真正地离开你的舒适区?光是辞职和旅行解决不了什么!  We often adopt the notion that for change to be valid, it must always be grand. We burden ourselves with the expectation that we must turn our lives around overnight. We disregard the “little” things that we can do and instead choose to focus on the same go big or go home mentality that frankly keeps us stuck in our mundane ways more often than we care to admit. 我们会经常接收到这样的观念:想要有效改变现状,必须要有很宏伟盛大的计划。我们期望生活能够在一夜之间就能发生翻天覆地的变化。我们常会忽略那些我们可以做到的“小事”,而选择抱着“要么做大要么回家”的心态,即使囿于平庸也不愿承认。 Because breaking out of your comfort zone is not just making a drastic change and wishing for the best. 因为打破舒适区不是做出巨大改变和祈祷许愿就能达成的。 It’s accepting that comfort is just another name we give to the things that protect us from fear. Settling for a career that doesn’t make us happy often stems from the fear of failing to find one that does.  “舒适”其实只是我们保护自己免受恐惧的另一个名字,解决了工作问题也许不会让我们很开心,那是因为这种感觉来源于你或许会找不到工作的恐惧。 Being afraid of getting hurt once again can persuade us to maintain our self-sabotaging (英 ['sæbətɑːʒ]美 [,sæbə'tɑʒ]) habits that push away the chance of finding the people, places, or things we truly love. 害怕再次受到伤害的人,会说服自己自暴自弃,推开能够找寻到真爱的人、地点、事物的机会。 And while it is true that the only way to get over our fears is to face them; this transformation won’t happen overnight if we don’t first take the time to break out of our mental traps that convince us that finding freedom is an all or nothing matter.  虽然克服恐惧的唯一方法就是面对它,但如果我们不花时间去摆脱那些让我们相信“自由是全或无”的心理陷阱,那么这种转变也无法在一夜之间发生。 So, do the “little” things because breaking out of your comfort zone and living your best life has everything to do with the small steps you take along the way.  所以,从“小”事做起,因为想要打破舒适区、过上美好的生活,与一路上你走的每一小步都息息相关。 It’s choosing to slow down when the world tells you to keep up; giving yourself time to make decisions instead of jumping into the next job opportunity or relationship that seems like the “most logical” choice. 当整个世界都告诉你要跟上脚步的时候,放慢步调,给自己时间再去做决定,而不是一下子就跳入下一个看似“最合乎逻辑”的工作机会。 It’s writing or singing or painting your heart out even if you have no intention to share your art; it’s creating for your sanity. 即使你无意分享你的作品,也要写作、唱歌,绘出你的心境,它因你的心智而被创造。 It’s practicing a little more honesty every day; not only with others but also with yourself. 每天都要练习诚实,不仅对待他人,同时对你自己。 Asking questions. Listening without needing to respond. Focusing on being happy in your presence alone. 提问题。不要求回应,学会倾听,专注而不需要回应。即使独自一人也要专注快乐。 It’s investing your time in creating blueprints instead of escape routes; because you can quit your job on a whim or book a 30-day cruise but the answer to obtaining true freedom and creating the life you’ve always wanted has resided within you all along. 投入时间来创造蓝图而不是逃生路线,因为你可以一时兴起地辞掉工作或来一场30天的游轮之行,但想要获得真正自由和想要的生活,答案始终只在你心。