

2018-01-17    07'11''

主播: 熊叔英语

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weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,和熊叔每日乐学英语! Aries (白羊座) Joining English Corner 参加英语角 English corners are perfect for curious Aries.What is more attractive is probably because this is the kind of place where Aries can practice their pick-up lines and exchange gossips. 英语角最适合倾诉欲和好奇心爆棚的白羊。在英语角中羊羊们可以随时满足自己强烈的搭讪需求,与小伙伴们展开不同的话题讨论,交换对不同是事(ba)物(gua)的观点和看法,还可以交到很多朋友哦。 Taurus (金牛座) Listening to Radios or Watching News 听英语广播或新闻 The Taurus would think spending money on English training is an idiotic choice, so Taurus are basically torn between their habit of money saving and wanting exotic girlfriends. But they work HARD. 金牛要学英语不能去报班,因为学费太贵,不能交外国女朋友,因为泡一个外国妹纸的成本太高。但牛牛们同时又很重视效果(简单来说就是又不肯花钱又要挑)。结合他们坚韧勤劳死磕到底的高贵品质,建议牛牛们每天坚持听免费的英文广播新闻以及看英文报纸。 Gemini (双子座) Acquiring Knowledge While Having Fun 寓教于乐 Having a dual personality means there is no way for the Gemini to quietly study at home. They despise traditional approaches.We could imagine Geminis would stick English cards ABSOLUTELY anywhere. 想让重度精神分裂的双子乖乖坐在家里背单词简直是天荒夜谈,传统的学英语方法根本无法让他们的注意力集中起来,果然不正常的人就该用些不正常的方法。 Cancer (巨蟹座) Watching English Movies or TV Series 看英语电影和电视剧学英语 The cancer are not really good with outdoor activities, they would rather stay at home with a couple of besties and watch movies and TV series. 千年宅货巨蟹穷尽一生智慧和精力去避免跟生人打交道。作为一群古老化石,巨蟹们不太能适应充满变化的生活节奏。和自己的好闺蜜好基友宅在家中看英文电影、电视剧对巨蟹来说是学习英语的最好方式了。 Leo (狮子座) Organizing an English Summer Camp 组织一个英语夏令营或俱乐部 There is nothing more exciting than organizing an English summer camp for the Leo. The key here is "organizing".Hosting such event would totally fulfill their ego. 没有什么比组织一个英语夏令营或者英语俱乐部更适合狮子座了。注意是“组织”,不是“参加”。从idea的策划到执行一一包办,最后看着盆友们在party中一起吃吃喝喝、唱英文歌、做英语接龙游戏,狮子的自尊心和虚荣心必然得到极大的满足。 Virgo (处女座) Copying Down Everything 手抄英文词汇及搜集英文短语 Picky, Organized, Analytical .... these are Virgo's tags. Possessing this insanely organized personality means the Virgo are keen to copy down every single piece of English knowledge. 挑剔如处女,有条理如处女,理性如处女,分析能力强如处女…..注定只有最高冷的英语学习方式才适合他们:用笔在本子上一字一句的抄录有用的英文知识! Libra (天秤座) Making Foreign Friends 结交外国异性朋友 Gregarious Libra would never work alone. They will seek every possible opportunity to get a "friend". With that being said, Libra will most likely get a foreign friend or a bunch of foreign friends. 天生的情场圣手天秤座绝对不愿意独自默默用功,结交一个异性的外国朋友是最佳方式。文艺的天秤最懂浪漫,即使一开始英文并不好也知道如何聪明的表达情感,彼此建立好感后,就可以和TA一起去看国外的艺术展、英文原版电影,在欣赏艺术的同时自然就有了用英语交流的共同话题。 Scorpio (天蝎座) Writing English Diaries or Blogs 写英语日记或者博客 Keeping English diaries or blogs would be quite an appropriate method for Scorpio people. It's a way to express their intuition. But do not apply strict privacy settings. 神秘诡谲的天蝎往往有着强烈的第六感和探视能力,同时也非常注重生活情趣的培养。建议蝎子们经常写写英文日记或者英文博客,这是他们表达自我感知力的最佳途径。 Sagittarius (射手座) Travelling with an English-Speaking Travel Guide 贴身外教浪漫旅行 Sagittarius are futuristic people, they can't be restrained at all. Having an English-speaking companion along the way would be more exciting and inspiring. 脱缰野马必须选择一个放养型的英语学习方法。建议射手找一个有相同兴趣的贴身外教,计划一次不寻常的的浪漫旅行。从做行程规划开始,你就能从TA身上学习到外国人的思维模式。旅行中你们可以全方位的交流,上至人文地理历史艺术,下至旅行中会涉及到的衣食住行等,时不时秀一下你的中国文化知识。 Capricorn(摩羯座) English Training Classes 脚踏实地上英语培训班 Capricorn are down-to-earth people,straight-A students. They have big hearts, basically embracing everything. They might not be innovative, but they certainly will take English training classes seriously. 对于闷骚怪摩羯座来说,学英语必须是上英语培训班啊!坐在教室里听老师讲课简直能让他们感觉拥有了全世界吧。理论上来说摩羯还是比较不挑老师的,他们也没有偏向选择老师比较幽默啊上课还会表演唱歌啊这种需求,估计即使老师讲笑话摩羯也不太能get到笑点吧 Aquarius (水瓶座) Surfing the Internet 上英文网站 Aquarius are adventurous people and they love sharing. English websites are just like their theme park, especially those free online videos, Aquarius would see them as roller coasters, and they surely know how to make everything fun. 怪咖水瓶生来就与众不同,他们勇于尝试并且乐于分享。因此瓶子们应该多多上些与英语学习有关的网站,会学习到很多实用的英语技巧。特别是一些免费的在线教程,可以在线同步跟着教程来学习,网站中也会有很多实用又有趣的视频,还可以通过在线的游戏来学习英语,这些新鲜的方法绝对不会枯燥。 Pisces (双鱼座) Listening to English Music 听英文歌曲 Sensitive Pisces live in imagination, why not try some English music? Their best approach in learning English is to experience an English music video of their own. Once the headset is on, the Pisces enjoy swimming in their own world. 多愁善感的双鱼喜欢整天沉浸在自己幻想的世界里,那么不妨选择听听英文歌曲吧。带上耳机,全世界瞬间变成他们的MV背景。为了避免双鱼陷入一首情歌当中然后单曲循环一天,建议歌曲类型的选择一定要丰富,除了浪漫的爱情歌曲,也推荐选择现在正在流行的英国Rap说唱诗人本杰明·泽凡尼的诗歌。