

2018-01-22    03'50''

主播: 熊叔英语

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weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,和熊叔每日乐学英语! Woke up to a slap in the face. I should not have cheated on her in her dream. “我被她一个巴掌扇醒了,原因就是我在她的梦里出轨了。” She got mad because my feet were pointed away from her. To her, it meant I didn't love her because my " body language"... I was sleeping. “她跟我生气了,只是因为我在睡觉的时候,脚丫远离了她,她说这是身体语言” Saying hi to my dog when I got home from work before saying hi to her. “因为我进门的时候,先跟狗打了个招呼,而不是先和她,所以她生气了!” She didn't know I spoke Spanish , despite being from Colombia. She apparently couldn't trust me after that. “因为我来自哥伦比亚,所以我会说西班牙语,此前她不知道, 但自从她知道之后,她就觉得我无法值得信任了...” One day, when say was staying over at my place, she saw a pair of earrings on my nightstand as we were going to bed. She went full rage on me " for cheating her," They were her earrings, placed there by her, just a couple of hours before... “一天她在我家过夜,然后她看到床头柜上有一对耳环,她就发飙了,因为她觉得我出轨了。 问题是这耳环是她两个小时前放在那里的。” Getting mad at me for not arguing back. “她生气了,就是因为吵架的时候,我没回嘴!” She went through my phone and didn't find anything to be mad about, so then got mad because I " must have deleted it." “她检查了我的手机,什么可疑的信息都没找到,然后她居然还是发飙了,理由是我肯定删除了什么!” I offered her best friend some coffee but didn't ask my wife (fiance at the time) if she wanted some. I knew she didn't like coffee... that's why I didn't offer it to her. But I was wrong anyway. “我给她最好的朋友买了咖啡,而她就在旁边,我没有问她要不要,她就火了。我不是不想问啊,因为她本来也不爱喝咖啡啊,好吧,她绝对有理由因为我没买咖啡给她就发火!” Telling her who my girlfriend was in the first grade. “因为我告诉她,我一年级就有女票了,然后她居然就生气了..” Buying new T-shirts... mine were old and had holes. Said I was trying to pick up other women... “我的T恤旧了,破了洞,然后我就买了一个新的,她居然生气了,说我在勾搭别的女人..” She failed her biology class. “她生物考试挂科了,然后她跟我火了..” 今日跟读金句 She went through my phone and didn't find anything to be mad about, so then got mad because I "must have deleted it." Saying hi to my dog when I got home from work before saying hi to her. Getting mad at me for not arguing back.