August Through the Peephole

August Through the Peephole

2016-04-02    08'00''

主播: 英文原著

155 1

这一章节大家可以从小主人公的姐姐Via的描述中真正了解到小主人公August(Auggie )到底长什么样。了解后你肯定会说:难怪走在路上大家都盯着他看;难怪有人甚至绕着他走;难怪看到他会吓人一跳,令人倒吸一口气;难怪他的同班同学说:如果我是他,我就不活了!难怪..... 但小主人公始终保持一颗乐观、善良的心,直到他在万圣节那天无意间听到他最信任,最要好,总是一起上每节课,在一起十分开心的好朋友Jack Will说:老师故意把我们安排在一起的,校长交待我这么做的,再说他总跟着我,我 有什么办法!那之后,小主人公的心彻底伤透了。他以为Jack和自己一样,不在乎别人怎么说,他以为Jack不在乎他的长相,他也觉得无论其他小朋友怎么不喜欢他,有Jack就足够了。但没想到Jack竟那样说! 接下来,小主人公会怎么做呢?他说他再也不去学校了,真的吗?...... His eyes are about an inch below where they should be on his face,almost to halfway down his cheeks.They slant(倾斜)downward at an extreme angle,almost like diagonal slits (倾斜着的裂缝)that someone cut into his face,and the left one is noticeably(明显地)lower than the right one.They bulge(膨胀/鼓起)outward because his eye cavities(眼窝) are too shallow(狭窄的)to accommodate (容纳)them。The top eyelids (眼皮、眼睑)are always halfway closed(半合着),like his on the verge of sleeping(像快要睡着了一样).The lower eyelids sag(松弛)so much they almost look like a piece of invisible (隐形的)string is pulling them downward:you can see the red part on the inside,like they’re almost inside out(快要反过来了、里面的快要翻到外面了). He doesnt have eyebrows(眉毛)or eyelashes(眼睫毛)。His nose if disproportionately big for his face,(他的鼻子大得与他的脸不成比例),and kind of fleshy(厚实、略显肥胖的).His head is pinched in on the sides where the ears should be,like someone used giant pliers(钳子)and crushed the middle part of his face.He doesn’t have cheekbones(额骨).There are deep creases running down both sides of his nose to his mouth,which gives him a waxy appearance.Sometimes people assume he’s been burned in a fire:his features look like they’ve been melted(融化),like the drippings on the side of a candle(蜡烛).Several surgeries(手术)to correct his lip have left a few scars(疤痕)around his mouth,the most noticeable one being a jagged gash running from the middle of his upper lip to his nose.His upper teeth are small and splay out(突出来/龅牙).He has a severe ouverbite(覆咬合) and an extremely undersized jawbone(比正常小的下颚骨).He has a very small chin(下巴).When he was very little,before a piece if his hip bone was surgically implanted (手术移植)into his lower jaw,he really had no chin at all.His tongue would just hang out his mouth with nothing underneath to block it.Thankfully,it’s better now.He can eat,at least:When he was younger,he had a feeding tube.And he can talk.And he’s learned to keep his tongue inside his mouth,though that took him several years to master.He’s also learned to control the drool (口水)that used to run down his neck.These are considered miracles .When he was a baby,the doctors didn’t think he’d live.