Waiting for the time to pass you by 等待能与你擦肩而过的那一刻 Hope the winds of change will change your mind 期盼这变幻莫测的风能改变你的心意 I could give a thousand reasons why 我可以给你无数个理由 And I know you and you've got to 我如此了解你 而你必须试着了解我 Make it on your own but we don't have to grow up 你要自力更生 但我们不必那样成熟 We can stay forever young 我们可以让青春永驻 Living on my sofa drinking rum and cola 窝在沙发里 我们喝着朗姆酒和可乐 Underneath the rising sun 沐浴着冉冉升起的朝阳 I could give a thousand reasons why 我可以给你无数个理由 But you're going and you know that 你就这么走了 可你明知道 All you have to do is stay a minute 你只需要再稍等片刻 Just take your time 就放慢速度吧 The clock is ticking so stay 时钟嘀嗒作响 就留下吧 All you have to is wait a second 你只需要稍等片刻 Your hands on mine 你的手 放在我身上 The clock is ticking so stay 时钟嘀嗒作响 就留下吧 All you have to do is 你只需要 All you have to do is stay 你只需要留在我身边
上一期: girl crush
下一期: Stay With Me